Friday, September 12, 2008


Holy Crap! I haven't posted on this thing since June 3? I've been busy! First of all let me tell you some exciting news, if you didn't already know. My husband and I got back together. We actually made it back together a few days before our 15th wedding anniversary. While we didn't get to spend the day together that Saturday of our anniversary because I had to work that night, we did go out for breakfast. It was just a few weeks before our divorce was final. God is good. I had given up completely, which is what God was waiting on, I suppose.

I started University of Arkansas last month. I'll be starting my 4th week next Tuesday. It's not NEO, that's for sure. A couple of my classes are really hard, they actually have graduate students in them. But, I can do it. I can do it!

I quit my job at the travel center last month and started working at a day care that's just a few miles away from my house. Working with children again. I actually only work one day a week, Wednesday, and I spend that whole day with four darling little babies. It's not too bad. I kind of enjoy it.

Shael started school on the day before my birthday. Her first day of High School. Holy Crap, once again! I'm the parent of a high schooler. Geez, I feel so old. Being at the University kind of makes me feel old, too. All these really young girls walking around, with their fresh faces and perky boobs. It makes me want to puke sometimes! Get a zit or something Barbie!

Well, I could really, really go on. But I won't. So much has happened, I can't quite remember it all. Hearts were broken (mainly mine), tears were shed (again, mostly mine), words were spoken that shouldn't have been, words were spoken that were long overdue, babies were born, people have died (too young. too young), weight has been lost, weight has been gained, love has been found, love has been lost, seasons have changed.

And life just keeps going. Ready or not, here it comes.


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