Sunday, March 12, 2006


Let's hear it for the rain. Yay, rain!

Yesterday I really wanted to work in my flower bed down at the end of my driveway, but the rain was too cold to work out in it. Believe me, I tried. I lasted about 30 seconds. That poor pitiful looking flower bed, it still has dead stalks from last years flowers in it and about a foot of dead leaves. At least I won't have any weeds to yank out because the leaves have been so thick, that nothing except my bulbs have grown. The tulips are trying to grow through the leaves. Hmm, got ta fix that.

Mike has been sick with a sever sinus infection for a couple weeks. He finally went to the doctor and they gave him some antibiotics. It did help the swelling go down, the whole side of his face and both eyes are back to normal now, but he still can't breath. When he sleeps he sounds like Darth Vader. I woke up this morning and stayed in bed listening to him breath for the longest time. I had the urge to say "The Force is strong with this one" He said something about going back to the doctor tomorrow, so we'll see.

I'm off to the flower bed. While it's not raining. If it starts raining while I'm out there, I'll be disappointed, but not too much since we need the rain so much. Yes, rain already!


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