Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cats are HORRIBLE little fuzzy creatures that are baaaad for you!

Monday came and went in the worst way. I had to be at the court house by 9:00 so I was there by 8:50. I went in, found a seat and started to freeze my booty off. I started up a conversation with this lady next to me about the old courthouse. I mentioned that I hoped that they could save some of the marble and tribal emblems for the new courthouse that should be going up in the next five years or so. She said it was a shame that they were going to tear the current one down because it was such a "nice, old building". I ruefully laughed and told her I wasn't sure about it be nice, but it certainly was old. I told her to look up. And when she did she literally gasped. There, surrounding all six of the a/c vents was this black crud that was inches thick on the ceiling. Yeah. That's what we are breathing, lady.
After sitting there being miserable for 2-1/2 hours I was given permission to leave with about 35 or 40 other people who weren't selected. Those poor other sods had to stay behind and try yet another poor sod for a DUI. Guilty, I say! Guilty! Any man who would show up for his own hearing wearing a white t-shirt tucked in to his gray sweats deserves to be sentenced with a guilty verdict.
When I got back to work, I was feeling worse. I took my temp and I had a fever. A fever! No wonder I was feeling so bad at the courthouse. I only lasted two hours at work and had to go home, the fever was doing nothing but going up and I had taken a Motrin. I went home and went to bed with my new lover. He's blue and soft, but man is he hot. And he makes me hot. It's the heating pad, people. Geez, get your mind out of the gutter, why don't you? Every joint in my body was screaming with pain. When Mike got home he gave me some Tylenol PM and that fever finally broke around 1:00 in the morning. When I woke up covered with sweat. I thought I had the flu but by the next morning, I was fine and went back to work. It must have been the worst allergy attack of my life. Those evil cats at my mil's had everything to do with it, I'm sure because I started feeling it while we were still at her house Sunday night. When I was sitting on her couch in a beam of sunshine and I could see cat hair flying about, being sucked into my nostrils with each breath. I kept swatting and blowing them away, but they were everywhere! My mil finally asked me if there were gnats in my face, or what. If only. At least gnats don't make me sick.
There's another trial (maybe) starting tomorrow so I have to call back in after 5:00 tonight to see what to do. Lord, please don't let me be called on for this one. I'll have to tell them I can't do it if I do, and I really don't want to talk to the judge. He's so intimidating. And I know that he visits titty bars and gets lap dances so I can hardly look at him in the face without those images cropping up. *shudder* I have a vacation planned for this weekend and we are leaving Friday afternoon, I can't be stuck in court. We already have tickets for a show in Branson for Friday night! One of the questions asked of the jurors that was picked for the last trail was did anyone have an appointment of any kind that could not be rescheduled. That will have to be me this time. I hate talking in front of a crowd. Grow a spine, Stacie! You can do it! Just say in your boldest voice "Excuse me, Mr. Titty Bar Man. Err, I mean, Mr. Lap Dance. Oops, I mean Your Honor"


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

"Excuse me, Mr. Titty Bar Man. Err, I mean, Mr. Lap Dance. Oops, I mean Your Honor"


That is the same reason I can never ever visit a certain gynecologist in Miami. I know what his weekend activities include and I just couldn't let him stick a speculum in my cooter knowing that he had been ogling a pole dancer possibly the night before and I just know my cooter isn't up to pole dancer status. (Which might actually be a good thing)

12:28 PM  
Blogger Stacie said...

How does a gyno go from looking at cooters all day to PAYING to look at cooters on the weekends? I guess when you think about it, he probably looks at some nasty cooters during the week. Oh, I should just stop while I'm ahead. Sick.

7:59 PM  

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