Monday, May 15, 2006

A La Peanut Butter Sandwiches!

Did all you Mom's out there have a good Mother's Day? I hope so. Mine was not typical for me, but still as mundane, if that makes any sense. I didn't go to church with my Grandma, so that made it atypical. We still left church early so we could go out to eat lunch with her at Golden Corral in Joplin. Very typical. Picture this, we get there and the line is out the door. While we stand in line for 20 minutes or longer, Grandma is inside eating already. My two uncs and the lady who stays with Grandma on weekends got there with Grandma before us and they couldn't save us a table (of course, I wouldn't expect them to with a crowd like that). So, they are inside eating while we are waiting in line. We finally get through the line, but we can't get a table next to Grandma's. Instead we are near her, but in a complete different room. There's a wall between us. There's 17 of us, and we all got tables next to each other. We ate, we visited, we left. As we were walking out, there was Grandma. STILL EATING! I swear the woman is slower than molasses in January. Sometimes when my Mom gets out there in the evenings at 5:00, Grandma is still eating lunch that was served at 12:30 or 1:00. Yeah. I had stopped on my way in and said hi, how are ya and all that jazz. On my way out, I stopped again and told her Happy Mother's Day and "glad we got to visit!". She just laughed. Grandma. Gotta love her. And I mean that literally. I have to love her, I'm her grand daughter.

From there we went and washed the car (the highlight of Shael's day) and stopped at Southerland's and looked at all kinds of stuff. Then we went on to Mike's Mom's house. Where there are FOUR cats where once there was only one. In the house. Ugh. We stayed there a few hours until it was time for me to go to church. Then I dropped Mike and Shael off at the garage where I'd met him earlier in the day and I went to church and he and Shael went home. When I was coming home I had this fleeting thought that maybe, just maybe, the two of them had gotten a spur of the moment idea and unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and maybe even ran the dishwasher while I was gone to church for the evening. But, no, I should have known better. Instead, there were more dirty dishes in the sink when I got home than there was when I left in the morning. What would Mother's Day be like for me if I didn't have a big mess to clean up? I wouldn't know.


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