Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I'm Still Around

Sorry about the lag. I've not been home much lately. And when I've been home, I've not been on line much. Strange of me, I know. But it happens every once in a while.
Saturday I pretty much stayed in bed all day long. Mike stayed home, Shael was at my in-laws, and we curled up in bed and watched TV, snuggled a lot, took a 3 hour nap, and talked about whatever thoughts entered our heads. No, Diva, we didn't even have LKAOOTHS because of my back, but it was enjoyable, nonetheless.
The Tribal meeting that was suppose to be Saturday morning, well, it's a long story so I'll try giving you the short version. I got a call Friday night that it was cancelled. I didn't go Saturday morning. Around 7:00 in the evening, I ventured outside for the first time all day. My neighbor's son was over at his Mom's house and they were outside walking around. When they saw me going to my mailbox they came over and visited. He's a tribal member and he told me the latest. It seems the chief cancelled the meeting only for those apposed to him (which I am) and held the meeting for those on his side and he did some major damage that day.
Sunday afternoon, Mike was gone on his bike, Shael was still at then in-laws, I jumped up and started praying my heart out. I discovered that I was mad. Not just mildly perturbed, but I was hot, stinking MAD.
And, I'll have to finish that thought later. It's 7:15 and I have to get Shael up and around to leave by 7:45. I've not even taken a shower myself. Mike overslept this morning so I have to take her to school.
More later!


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Wow, girl...what a dramatic week!

I know that feeling of "Where did my husband go?" Some days I wonder .... was he really ever here to begin with? Was I just wanting him to be perfect back then and didn't see that he wasn't? Or was he really back then and now he's not? Not perfect literally...I hope you know what I mean. I figure you do.

I'll pray for you.

7:35 PM  

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