Friday, June 16, 2006

Big Fancy Casino Poker Run

Mike and I took off for Commerce, OK (I would say the armpit of OK, but that's reserved for Picher, sorry all you chat rats. Mike calls Commerce "Beaner Town" because of all the, well, you know. The legal and illegal sort reside in Beaner Town). Mike rode his bike and I followed in my car Tuesday night. He dropped his bike off at a place called Bike & Go ( I think that's the name of it) to get his new tire put on. It has to be ready to go by tonight or we are going to be ticked off. Why? Because after we left Beaner Town, we stopped off at the Big Fancy Casino. Once there, we bought two tickets for the Buffalo Run Poker Run. At $40 a ticket, you can see why we would be mad if the bike wasn't ready to go. Big & Rich are going to be there, but we aren't interested in them (I'd rather ride a horse), only the Poker Run. Riding with over a thousand other bikes. Sounds a little scary and intimidating, but Mike is stoked. He told me we were going to go see some extreme bikers to get me to agree to go. Then, I found out once I had already agreed, that it was a Poker Run. Sometimes I think he can play me better than I can play him. I'll have to fix that.
So, tomorrow, I will be gone. All. Day. This time I'm slathering up in so much sun screen you'll be able to smell me a mile away.
While we were there buying our tickets Tuesday night (Men's night, btw) we decided to eat there. We'd never eaten there and we'd heard the food was good at the "Coleman Theater". We had just sat down when my sister and her husband walk in with two other couples. I was half way expecting to see Diva, or even Mr. Diva. Or maybe Diva Mom and Sister Diva (Tater). I even thought I might see an old flame from high school. But, I didn't expect to see my sister. We did a little bit of gambling, not a whole lot. We went to the back, in Joe's Outback (much nicer and less crowded) and I lost some money and Mike won some.
I need to get going. I have to go in to Grove and buy a cake for Valerie's birthday today. I was going to bake one, a chocolate one, but when I started getting everything out to do it, I noticed I only had about 3 TBS of cocoa and I needed 6. Screw that idea, I'll just go buy one. At least I didn't have stuff already mixed up in a bowl before realizing that.
I'll report how the Poker Run goes. I hope I don't embarrass myself. I'll keep my mouth shut, maybe that'll help. Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Joe's Outback is much nicer than the front of the casino. That's really the only place I gamble anymore.

Mr.Diva is so bummed about the bike run, BUT he gets to meet Big & Rich, Cowboy Troy and he's already met the guys from FCC and he's like a kid at Christmas over that! Wahoo.

8:59 PM  

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