Saturday, November 01, 2008

Insert Clever Title Here

Today was about the saddest day in history. Maybe not sad, but boring. I did laundry. That's it. I took a walk to break up the monotony of it all. I've text chatted with my sister and my friend Ron. That is it!

I wish I could have been moving, it was such a beautiful day. But, nope not yet. I had the water turned on yesterday, the electric gets turned on Monday, then I have to wait a few days to get the security deposit paid. Long story involving tribal stuff I don't want to get in to right now. Unless you're a tribal member, it probably wouldn't interest or make sense to you anyway. So, I should be moving in next week. Every day is just one day closer.

My parents have no confidence in me that I'll be able to make it. I can feel the love oozing from them. More like hostility? Do they want me to stay here forever? I want to go home, but for now that is not an option. So, I want to create my own home. I'm tired of eating their food, which is weird and sometimes tasteless. I'm tired of watching what they want to watch on TV. Mom, preaching, Daddy, History Channel. I won't even have a TV where I'm going, so I should get use to that. I'm tired of getting up to get in the shower only to find someone in the shower already or sitting in their stinking it up. I know I shouldn't complain. Please forgive me my whining. But enough already!

I want to walk through my own place naked without worrying about someone walking in and seeing me. I want to eat food I cook without hearing "that's not good for your weight Stacie" or some other comment about my weight. I want to get a drink of water and come back a few hours later and find my cup where I left it.

Maybe the next time I post it will be from my brand new to me apartment in down town Wyandotte, Oklahoma. Walkin in tall cotton.


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