Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fire up the grill

Yum. The first grilled burgers of the year. Today was so beautiful. What was the high today? 75? Perfect. The only thing about grilling on February 28 is that by the time that I got the coals just right, it was dark. I don't like grilling after the sun goes down. It seems that I either under or over cook it. I didn't do too bad this time. Guess I haven't lost my touch.
Shael went back to the doctor yesterday for her 2 week ear check up. It's still infected. The amoxacillin didn't do a thing. So, she gave her a stronger antibiotic and told her she wanted to see her again in two weeks. Sheesh, why can't she just get normal sicknesses that clear up with meds in a week? She has to get these weird, obscure things that won't clear up easily and she has to keep coming back for check ups. Not that an ear infection is weird or obscure, but it should be cleared up by now. When I walked into pharmacy the pharmacist said "Okay, looks like she's built up an immunity to amoxacillin". I asked her how that could be since she's only taken it like 4 times (maybe) in her whole life and she's almost 12 (GASP). This is the first ear infection she's ever had in her life. I can understand immunity to antibiotics if she's on it 7 or 8 times a year, but that is not the case here. Hopefully this new antibiotic will do the trick.
I have a funeral to go to tomorrow at the church. The man who sits behind me in church all the time went and died in his sleep Saturday night. His wife called the Pastors Sunday morning and told them that when she got up he was dead in bed with his arms crossed over his chest. Strange, huh?
The girl who was shot by her boyfriend, her funeral is Thursday and the boyfriend's is Friday. I won't be going to those. The day care sent flowers for the girl's and we took up a collection for groceries for the guy's family because he's a Tribal member. The day care will also send flowers to his funeral. What a mess.
I'm out of here. I'm going to go watch High School Musical with Shael. Mike took off to the bedroom to watch something else. He said watching musicals was too queer for him. Oh, well.


Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

When my #2 son was 2, he had an ear infection that we couldn't get rid of. He was on 5 different antibiotics. Finally, I took him to an allergist, who put him on some kind of antihistamine to dry out the fluid in the ear. Along with the antibiotic, that finally cured it.

Oh, and he's allergic to amoxicillin, which we found out when he was 1, and broke out in hives and bloated up until he was unrecognizable. That was a midnight trip to the emergency room. Thank God I looked in on him before I went to bed that night!

8:22 PM  
Blogger Redneck Diva said...

I can just hear Mike saying that about watching a musical being too queer for him! LOL

We dragged Paul to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and he was just mortified to no end to even be there. When it was over he said, "Hmh. That was actually pretty good. But that Joseph guy...are you sure he's not gay?"

11:48 AM  

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