Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ever Feel Like You're Forgetting Something?

That's how I'm feeling. Am I suppose to be doing something, going somewhere? Am I free to come home and fix supper, eat it, then hang around the house a bit before heading off to bed? Or do I have a prior engagement that I've forgotten? I can't seem to place it.
This week is going to be slow. Maybe that's why I'm feeling adrift. One of my four babies is not going to be coming anymore (I'll miss that little squirt), one is in Hawaii for Spring Break (her Mom is a teacher at the local college) and one's Mom is a college student so she's on Spring Break, also. That leaves me one baby and he only comes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Yesterday, all the bigger kids went bowling and that left my one baby the only child in the whole building the entire morning. And three workers. I don't know what I'm going to do today and Thursday. Work on these little scrap books I'm making for my babies, I guess.

*Side note to Diva. Don't worry, I haven't totally converted. While technically, I'm making scrap books, I'm only using construction paper and glue that may or may not be acid free. And some of my pictures are Polaroids. Yes, they still make those.*

My days are starting to blend into each other. I get up somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00. I lay Mike's clothes out for him and wait until the shower stops. When I hear the water turn off, I start the washing machine to wash my scrubs and the rest of yesterday's colored clothes. When that load is in the dryer, I start the washer again and wash some other load, like jeans, towels, white clothes. Whatever. I just try to wash at least two loads every morning. If I get that second load in the washer by 6:40, I will have enough hot water by the time I need to get into the shower myself. I eat breakfast somewhere around 6:30 while either reading or watching the History Channel. At 7:00 I move the channel up one notch and watch two episodes of The Twilight Zone. It amazes me how I can watch it every morning, and even watch the occasional marathon, and still not the see the same episode twice very often. Around 8:00 I hop in the shower and wash as fast as I can then pray or have my own private praise and worship service until I run out of hot water. I love to sing in the shower, I sound so good. Since I don't have to labor over what to wear, I don't wear any make up save for foundation to work in and since I got my hair cut, I don't even brush it, it takes mere minutes to get ready after I get out of the shower. I leave the house around 8:45. I'm at work by 8:55. I start my day off at work by turning on the radio to NPR, listen to Performance Today until lunch time at 11:00, eat lunch, feed the babies lunch, listen to the opera they always play around 11:00 while I'm eating. Next thing I know, the babies are all going home and I clean up then go home myself at 5:00. I get home around 5:10 and usually I immediately start supper or else I won't want to start until 8:00. Fix it, eat it, watch TV or read, or like a lot of times, do both at the same time, talk to Mike, when school is going on help Shael with homework, then haggle with Shael about getting in the tub and in bed on time. (She knows she has to wash her hair every other night yet every single night she asks "Do I have to wash my hair?" which I always reply with "Did you wash it last night?" and according to her answer I give her mine) Then go to bed myself. The next morning, get up and do it all over again. On Thursday nights I go to my sister in laws for an hour long Bible study. Wednesday nights I go to church. Sunday mornings and Sunday nights I go to church. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?
Shael went back to the doctor yesterday and found out that she still has the ear infection. They gave her more antibiotics and some kind of allergy medicine to help dry it up. She goes back in two weeks. It's been going on longer than a month now. They wanted to give her a shot but she wouldn't let them. If I'd been with her she would have gotten the shot. But my mother in law was with her and she caved and didn't make her get it. If it's not cleared up by her next appointment I'm going to ask them about tubes in her ears. I know she's not too old for them because I remember a boy in my high school got them. That infection and fluid must get out of there before it does some damage to her hearing. I had a lingering ear infection last year and I know it did damage to my ears. In fact, I wouldn't mind having tubes put in my ears either because I still to this day can feel and hear the fluid in there.
I can see that the second episode of The Twilight Zone is almost over so I'd better get myself ready for that long shower. Hope you all have a non redundant day. I'm ready for a vacation. I still want to go to Silver Dollar City.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you're forgetting something -- your life. I don't mean it as a criticism because we all do it. Remember what I was saying about mice on wheels? This is it. This is what we've got. If we don't have fun while we're doing it, when will we? I know your answer is heaven, but that doesn't mean that the present has to be some sort of redundant hell. I'm constantly still trying to figure it out too, but I say get out there and have fun. Find the meaning. I'll step down from my soapbox now :)

1:13 PM  
Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Whew! When I saw the word "scrapbooking" my heart started thudding in my chest and I nearly jumped into my van to head straight to you for a full-fledged intervention!! Thank you for using glue that "may or may not be acid free". That made me feel better.

8:12 AM  

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