Saturday, April 22, 2006

Saturday In Da House!

Nothing like doing absolutely nothing on a Saturday. I literally am still in my nightgown. It's 7:43. P.M. I ate breakfast in bed. Not to mention lunch and supper in bed. It was such a beautiful day and I wasted it all sitting in the house watching TV, lounging around, browsing the Internet. I checked on a weekend trip to OKC for the family. I found out that it would make a really cool trip for me and Mike. Lots of "adult" things we could do, ya know? I'm talking live music, live music, and live music. But, this is a "family" trip. So, live music in a bar and grille is probably out of the question. I'm thinking we can go do lots of other family friendly things. What I had in mind was the Omniplex (Shael isn't too keen on the idea but I know once she gets there she'll like it), Bricktown (always cool, even with an 11 year old tagging along), the Water Taxi, and something I've been wanting to do for several years now, the OKC National Memorial. Shael was too young to remember the bombing, but I remember. Like it was yesterday. We drove by the site as they were constructing the Memorial but we haven't been back since. Hopefully we'll have a great time. Hopefully we'll actually make it.
On my own defense, I did do something domestic today. I got all my laundry done except some delicates because there wasn't enough to make a whole load and my sheets. I prefer to hang my sheets out to dry but there is so much pollen out there you would not believe it. Unless you live around here, that is. Every single morning I have to use my wiper washer fluid because there's this green film covering my windshield. Oh, and the Suburban, which hasn't been driven in a week, is completely green. It's a red Suburban. This lady at work said she looked outside the other night and when she looked toward her pole light, it looked like it was snowing. I'm afraid if I tried to dry my sheets out on the line, I'd have green sheets instead of white sheets. And Mike's allergies would make my life miserable. This is what happens when any kind of pollen gets near my dear husband.
I even got some dishes washed today. Woo-hoo! I'm on a friggin' roll here, people. I wouldn't make that coveted Mother Of The Year award because I let Shael fend for herself in the food department the whole entire day. But, gosh, she's almost 12, I think she can handle it. She ate cereal for breakfast, she made some egg salad for lunch and also scrambled her up some eggs to go along with her egg salad (we have an over abundance of eggs around the house, I guess) and for supper, she opened up a can of pork and beans and ate them straight out of the can. She ought to smell real fresh tomorrow. HA! I'm hoping that she'll stay fueled up by the time her Daddy gets home. That'll be great.
I suppose I should get off here and do some other domestic duties. There's some towel's in the dryer that need folded and put away. Tomorrow is another day. A second chance at doing some house cleaning. I'm not holding my breath. I enjoy house cleaning like a fish enjoys being pulled out of the water. I need to hire some obsessive compulsive house cleaner. Just drop them off in my house, hold their hand until they've assessed the problem(s) and then drive away. Just don't touch my books, unless you put them back in the exact place I had them (gotta have my own OCD symptoms, don't I?) and I'll be completely satisfied with any other system they can come up with to organize my house.


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

A year and a half ago Papa, Unc Homer, Tater and I visited the OKC Memorial. Just seeing the monument and the fence full of was heartwrenching and so touching. Of course, Papa and Uncle Homer said that the price of admission to the museum was highway robbery, so we didn't go in, lol. I hear it's very, very emotional. I'll never forget that day as long as I live.

LOVE Bricktown! Going there this fall for the Okie Blogger Round-up!! WAHOOOOOO!!!! Wanna go? I need some more local Okies to go along, Paul won't let me go alone.

5:03 PM  

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