Friday, December 15, 2006

Winning Streak

I see my usual non winning strike is back in action. Yesterday was my mil's birthday so Michael and I took her on the casino run. His Dad didn't go, much to his Mom's disappointment, but to our happiness. He would have only ruined anybody's chances of having a good time. So, just the three of us went out. We hit eight casinos and she went home with nearly $200. Mike bought us supper at the Coleman Restaurant in Buffalo Run. The food was good, the dessert better. Mike won $279 at Buffalo Run and $10 at Lucky Turtle. He lost $40 at High Winds and about $5 at Miami Casino and about the same at Peoria gaming center. I, on the other hand, lost $60 through eight casinos. YIKES! Not good. The only money I came home with was the quarter I found on the floor at Border Town.
Thinking of Border Town, as we were walking out, we were waylaid by these folks who use to go to church with Diane, my mil. Stinky, gross, freeloaders, who said "Hey, which direction are y'all going? You know where Adams street is? That's where we live now and we really don't want to walk home now we've been here since 3:00 this afternoon we were going to stay for the drawing but I don't even have my ID on me so even if I were to win it wouldn't do me any good because I couldn't claim it aren't you guys going to stay for the drawing how come you aren't staying oh, it's your birthday well, happy birthday have you made all the rounds which ones have you gone to there's a bunch, you know, there's this one and the Travel Plaza and High Winds and Grand Lake and Turtle Stop and Buffalo Run and some more but I can't think of them right now..." By this time they had followed us out to the Suburban and climbed in! They didn't even ask or wait for us to say "Hey, no problem, hop in" Mike was looking at me and his Mom and I could read his face. "Who the hell is this?" We took them the 9 or 10 blocks to their house and dropped them off, the WHOLE time she talked and he talked over her and I had to keep my nose practically pressed to the window so as not to face them and smell their rank body odor. I was on the side that the window didn't roll down, too, or I might have rolled it down for some fresh air. It was awful. When we got to their house, they opened the door to the Suburban but didn't make any moves to get out. They sat there and continued to talk for a few more minutes. They even called Mike by his brother's name, Chevy and Diane corrected them with "No, this is my older son, Michael." They know me, and they know Shael, and they know that I'm married to Diane's older son, why the heck would they call him Chevy? They are stupid people, that's why. Stupid stinky people. When the got out and shut the door we practically peeled off to get out of there before they had a mind to open that back door back up and say "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you something..." Mike immediately piped up and said "WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?" LOL. Poor Mikey. His Mom started apologizing profusely and for the next ten minutes, or until we got to the next casino in Wyandotte, we talked about some of the stupid things these people have done in the past. I called my Mom's house to let her know that Shael needed to spend the night with her because it was just now 9:09 and we still had two stops to go, the last one being Grand Lake, which is way out of the way, and then we still had to take his Mom all the way back home in Miami. I told her to tell Shael that we got conned into taking Michelle with a Mustache (Shael's pet name for the old gal) home from Border Town. Those people were just sitting there, waiting for someone they knew to walk by so they could pile into their vehicle and get taken home, instead of walking the few blocks. I rode those 10 minutes with the window down, the one that goes down, and when we got to Wyandotte, I left it down the whole time we were in there. She smelled like nasty arm pits, plain old dirty B.O. a smell that can hardly stand. To me, it smells like the cheapest of cheap yellow mustard. The smell of yellow mustard makes me heave and gag and nearly throw up. He, on the other hand, smelled like ass. Dirty ass. Seven different kinds of dirty ass. All rolled up in one. Bleah. Even the cigarette smell in the Turtle was a welcome smell compared to what was left lingering in our Suburban. When I'd talked to Mom and told her about it she laughed and asked if we were in my car or the Suburban and I said "Oh, God, if we'd been in my car I would have told Mike to come back to pick me up because there would have been no way on earth I would have ridden in my little back seat squished up against those two. I would have ridden in the trunk first. Even on the top of the car would have better than sitting next to those two. *shudder*
So, that was our evening. Mike won me some Christmas shopping money. Yay! He was going to give me some out of his savings, now he doesn't have to, he can just give me the whole $300 he's got in his pocket. I can find a good home for it in a heart beat. In fact, I've already got homes in mind for all those twenties.
Happy Shopping!


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