Saturday, February 03, 2007

Back To Normal, I Think

After having no electricity for eight days, I was looking forward to getting on line. Only to find that our ISP was off until we did some updating. That took Mike a while to get around to. When I finally told him I had to have the Internet for school, he fixed it for me. Thank you, Mikey!
What I really need is a printer that's compatible with my dinosaur computer. Even better would be a brand new computer with it's own printer. When our first computer bit the dust several years ago, my parents gave us their old one that they never liked. I can see why they never liked it, it's not a very good one. But, it has served it's purpose. The only thing is, it's such an odd ball, no printer is compatible with it. No printer that I have, anyway. I could make it compatible, with only $35.99 worth of software, or something like that. No, thanks. I have never liked my Epson printer, why would I want to spend more money to make it work? I used the printer at work the other day and found that I really liked it. I want one just like that! It was an HP and it worked so quietly, you wouldn't even know that it was printing unless you knew it was printing. If that makes any sense. It spit that paper out so fast and the print was professional and smooth. I like that. I would also like to have high speed Internet like at work, too, but I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. We considered getting Internet service through our cell phone carrier, even though it would be about $25 more a month. Why? Because it would be so much faster and we would have our land line free while we were on line. There's a free trial period, I think we might try it out and see how it works. The guy at the store told Mike that there aren't very many users on it so we would get an excellent signal, much better than our phones (even though our phones aren't too too bad out here in the boondocks) and it would be much quicker than dial up, which is what we've been dealing with all these long suffering years. But, I'm afraid it might be a scam to get us to pay $35 a month on Internet that comes and goes with the tower signals. We'll see.
School is still going great. I don't know if I mentioned it yet, but I got an 89% on my first psych test. Plus the 10 extra points for the Jeopardy game, I got a 99%. I was so totally psyched, no pun intended. LOL. I have Dr. Deichman and she really is a nice lady. I like her. So far, I kind of like this class. It's very interesting. My dad and Brother Leon (before his death, obviously) both said it was the stupidest class they ever had to take. Hopefully, I'll continue to enjoy it. Maybe it's because I have a really good instructor.
This summer looks like I might have a very full schedule. I'm going to be taking speech. (Yeah, I agree, Roni. How different we are. And to think we came from the same womb!) Along with speech I may be taking (if they will agree to offer them over the summer) Child Development, Orientation to Child Care, Health and Safety of the Preschool Child, and Nutrition for Children. After those classes, I will actually have my Certificate of Mastery. Which is different than a Master's Degree by a long shot, so don't be thinking that I've got that much school under my belt. After that, I can take Computer Applications in Business and Human Resource Management and actually become a Director or Assistant Director. I could stop at Certificate of Mastery, or even stop at Director's Certificate of Completion and still get quite a pay raise at any day care ( especially if minimum wage goes up as much as we heard it might). But, I don't really want to stop at that. While I'm on a roll, I want to complete my Associate Degree. Yes, I capitalize it because it's that important to me to get at least that degree. Here is a list of all the classes I need, not to mention the ones I already listed, to get my Associate Degree:
  1. College Algebra
  2. Dynamics of Family Relationships
  3. The Exceptional Child ( I think this might be one they may offer this summer)
  4. Human Development Within the Family
  5. Infants and Toddlers
  6. Activity Planning
  7. Nutrition
  8. Career Opportunities in Social Science
  9. World/Regional Geography
  10. Community First Aid
  11. Math Structures 1
  12. Introduction to Sociology
  13. Marriage and Family
  14. Humanities course(s)

From numbers 9-14, I only need 8 hours as directed by advisor. My Psych class falls into that category, and it's 3 hours. The speech class falls in that category, also. I'm not sure, but I think it's 3 hours, too.


As you can tell, I plan on having a full plate for the next couple of years. After NEO, most people that live around here go on to NSU in Talequah. Man, that's a long way off and I really don't want to make that drive every day like so many people I know have done, or still do. I know there's car pooling, and most people do that. But, carpooling doesn't take away from the amount of time it takes to get there and get back. I would much rather go to Missouri Southern. Only about 45 minutes away, versus an hour and 45 minutes, or however long it takes to get to NSU. I'm sure it takes at least an hour and 45 minutes. Money will be the main issue, I'm sure. Missouri Southern is out of state and those out of state tuition fees are a killer. That completely sucks because I'm a mere mile from Missouri. One measly mile will probably cost me thousands of dollars in out of state tuition fees. I'll have to start checking up on financial aid. And not fiddle fart around with it, either.


Well, I'd better skidaddle. Shael's friend, Stephanie, spent the night with us last night and they are complaining about being hungry. It's only 9:00 in the morning, how dare they? You'd think a 12 year old and a 13 year old could figure out their own breakfast. You'd think. This is where Shael's spoiled rotteness comes in. Stephanie is use to fending for herself. Shael isn't. When the electricity went out, you would have thought the world was coming to an end for Shael. She reminded me of the old story of the hen who thought the sky was falling. Ta-ta!


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