Saturday, October 11, 2008

Holy Crap

Wow, now that I have readers, I'm going to have to actually post something on this thing. Where can I begin? It seems that my writing abilities kind of dried up when my thoughts were centered on other things. Like living. Who knew I wasn't living all those years? Who was I? What was I? All I know is that I refuse to become that same stupid fat housewife I use to be.

I spent 10 years being so self-hating, with zero self-esteem, it is taking a few years to bounce back from that decade long funk. Depression sucks. I have empathy for anybody dealing with that low down, dirty rotten trick. If I don't love myself, how can I love anybody else? If I don't forgive myself, how can I ever forgive anybody else?

Forgiveness. Such a precious subject. Jesus spoke of it often and actually was very clear about the subject. Honestly, I find some of His parables somewhat vague, a person really has to know God and dig in to His word to find understanding and clarity of those vague parables and stories. But, with forgiveness, He is very clear cut. Mathew 6:14 says " For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." and verse 15 goes on to say "But, if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." That seems pretty easy to understand to me!

So, if you are harboring unforgivness, forgive. Don't hang on to that. All it does is make you bitter. Who likes bitter?


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