Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Resistence is Futile

Gosh, I've had a fairly decent past few weeks. Got to take two days off work to go to Greencorn. Enjoyed myself immensely. Played cards with my Mom, sister, and niece one night. I kept kicking butt so much that they finally gave me a handicap. I still won a few hands after that, but not EVERY time like I had been before.

I put my notice in at the Travel Center when I got the job at the Tribe. It took my boss a little by surprise, but she was very pleased with me that I was moving on to a non dead end job. Especially one in my field that pays more.

So, Monday was my first day of work at my new job. It lasted, like at first days, about 48 hours. But, I made it through just fine. Then on my second day of work I had to go to a Dr appointment. Yay. But I had to do it. Today, my third day of work, they have kind of turned me into the receptionist, too. Gee, not what I signed up for, but, so far I can handle it. Once things get more organized for me in here, I hope I can keep up.

My Dr appointment did not go as well as I was hoping. One test is leading to another. About three weeks ago I had to have my Dad take me to the ER and it turned out I had PID, or pelvic inflammatory disease. Otherwise known as a uterine infection. Most people keep thinking I'm talking about a urinary tract infection, but nope, a UTERINE, as in my uterus is infected. I have cysts and all kinds of crap. I had to have a pelvic ultrasound. That guy was a complete ass. But that is a whole other story for another day.
Now, I'm going to have to have another ultrasound because my cervix was not being cooperative in letting the doc in to get a biopsy of my uterus. If the same cyst is still there, another doc is going to go in and get the biopsy. It did not feel good, in fact it hurt. So, here's hoping the cyst is gone in six weeks.

I feel rather lonely in the evenings. I don't have anything to do, I'm kinda at a loss. The house is so quiet. Maybe someday soon I'll get use to it and it won't bother me anymore. Hopefully.

Well, that's about it for now. Now that I have a computer again, I will keep this thing a little more updated.

Later all you bloggers who have remained!


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