Friday, October 30, 2009

Good-Bye, Grandma

I put this one Facebook, but it's funny enough to post here, too.

Poor Grandma, she suffered a long time, but she finally got to go to Jesus and to Grandpa last Sunday night a little after 6:00 p.m. Back in her day, she liked nothing better than a good funeral. Even if she never met the person who died, if she so much as chatted with a relative of the deceased in the grocery store line once (okay, I'm exaggerating a smidge) she was there. See, what Grandma knew, is something I'm just now starting to get the jest of. We living go to funerals not for the deceased, but for the living left behind. Except on that rare occasion when you go to pay tribute to someone you knew well but didn't know their family, say, like a hair dresser would go to her client's.

There were lots of people at the viewing and at the funeral. It's a small church and she packed the house! Way to go, G-ma! She would have loved seeing so many people in that little bitty church of hers.

In typical TV or movie fashion, Wednesday was a beautiful warm, sunshiney day. Friday was colder, but nice and sunshiney. But, Thursday, the day of the funeral, was rain, rain, rain. At least it wasn't cold rain. It wasn't like a nice summer shower, but it didn't have an icy bite to it either.

Ok, now to the funny part. During the church service, I sat between my sister in law and my aunt from the other side of my family. The guy on the stage who sang a special, kept saying "Aaaameeeennnn" and he sounded just like this guy in OUR church who says it exactly the same way! The only thing is, the guy from my church has brain damage. It kind of loses it's hilarity when I write it, especially since I keep interrupting myself to do other things, like send/receive a text, clip some coupons. Now I'm getting ready to go to lunch.

But, pictures us, scrunched up, smashed into a pew, trying our HARDEST to not laugh and failing miserably. There was one of my friends from my church there and he was sitting across the room from me. We made eye contact, I knew he knew what I was thinking and we both lost it!

I could just see my grandma giving us that look. Half scowl half grin. And saying "I'ma gonna wring you girls' necks!" I can just HEAR it!

Anyway, the long wait for this inevitable has finally come to an end. She's happy and so are the rest of us for her.

This picture is of her last month on her 90th birthday. I think it might have been the last picture taken of her. It turned out so good. Even though she was "turning 33 years old that day and that wasn't her in that picture there was something wrong with my camera".


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