Friday, October 16, 2009

People are Ignorant

I hate seeing advertisements for animal cruelty prevention. Or to help animals that have been "victims". Yes, it's a terrible thing, when animals get treated cruelly. What about the people!? I know I've been on this soap box before but it's bothering me again.
Genesis 4:6 says "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground" God heard one man's blood crying out, one man who had been killed by his brother. Can you imagine what God hears now? Now that the whole earth is full of people, and how many people are being killed senselessly, some even by their brothers? Then there are the babies that are being aborted every day. How many? How much blood is crying out to God right now?
So don't try to play with my emotions by showing me pictures of skinny dogs and cats, bears that have rings in their noses. Don't bother me with save this animal, or same that animal. Or even save the trees. When people are more concerned about the safety of a TREE than they are a human life, then they are ignorant. And that's being nice. Maybe they are just plain stupid.


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