Monday, November 16, 2009


Isn't this beautiful? My neighbor gave this to me for Christmas three years ago, I think. It may have been four years. But, when I moved, I lived at first with my parents, so I had it there. It bloomed beautifully and was in full bloom when I moved into my own place. I didn't want to move it because I was afraid it might throw it into shock and kill it or in the least kill all the blooms on it. It is only suppose to bloom once a year but this is the third time it has bloomed since I took it to my Mom's. Some day, I'll get to bring it home to me!

Thursday, November 05, 2009


I have no words that I could say publicly about this....

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Are there words to describe this?
If there are, I'm at a loss for them.
This was found at