Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I just want to sleeeeeep

Five hours of sleep a night is sufficient for some people. I am not one of these people. I've been getting around 7 hours of sleep (which still isn't enough for me) and it's been restless sleep. That means when I wake up I feel like I haven't even gone to bed. Aunt Flo came to visit me yesterday and everything started making sense to me. Restless nights (insomnia is always a problems for me when she visits) being the most annoying symptom. She's not been around for four months. She's getting better because it use to be only every six months. Last night I went to bed around 11:00 and woke up at 4:00. I've been pretty tired all day today. I got all four of my babies to sleep around 10:00 and then I sat down to read my Bible. I read the entire book of James then had to lay my head down because I couldn't keep my eyes open or my head up. A co worker walked in on me like that and laughed. I told her it reminded me of that old poster of Garfield I use to have hanging in my locker when I was in high school. It showed him standing there with a bunch of books strapped all over him with belts and he says "I'm learning by osmosis"

A bit of bad news. One of my cousins was killed in a car wreck today. I'm not sure how old she was, maybe 20, if that much. This was not her first wreck, either. I stood next to her mother, my aunt, last night at the business committee meeting. I just can't believe it. I can't believe it.


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Oh how sad. Sorry to hear about your cousin. That's never easy to take.

I am one of those people that if I sleep more than 5 or 6 hours a night I feel like CRAP. If I sleep in on the weekends and get 7 or 8 I spend the whole day cranky and logey. But eventually all the 5 hour nights catch up with me and I have to sleep a good 8 hour night. Then I can go again for another few weeks. And back in high school I was the one who was in bed by 8:30 or 9 every dang night!

How weird about your periods. Mine are levelling out, too. I went 5 months without one then boom I've had three like freakin' clockwork the last three months in a row. Go figure.

7:54 PM  

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