Monday, March 20, 2006

Back To The Groove

Shael has to go back to school today. She's not wanting to, but oh, well. She's still in bed sleeping. I told her that I'd take her in to school this morning so she wouldn't have to get up so early. She was a super grouch. Instead of taking a nap yesterday, she went outside and played with her friend and neighborhood tomboy, Lacey (inaptly named for she is anything but lacey).
Last night at church Shael had to get up and tell what her favorite parts of Aquire The Fire were. She was so embarrassed, her face got completely flushed and she had tears in her eyes. But, she did a fantastic job speaking in front of a crowd. She didn't hesitate once with her speech, she didn't say "um" once and she only said "like" two or three times instead of every other word like some of the other kids did. Wow, where did she learn to speak so well? I was very proud of her. Mike went with us and she was upset about that, for some reason having to speak in front of her Dad felt like added pressure. She didn't get very cleaned up before leaving for church so when we got there Mike discovered mud splattered on her face and she smelled like the puppy Lacey brought over.
Mike goes to church with me so rarely, that there are people that go there now that probably didn't even know I was married. I know I saw surprise on one woman's face when Mike came in and sat down between me and Shael. He sat and held baby Nikolas for a while, until Nikolas started yanking on the hair of his chinny-chin-chin. I had to laugh at that.
I've got to get around a little early this morning since I'm taking Shael in to school, so no Twilight Zone for me this morning. I'm pushing it by being on line right now. I hope I have some hot water left for a shower after doing three loads of laundry this morning. Mike took his shower last night so I was able to start laundry a little early this morning. 5:35 instead of 5:50. I woke up this morning at 4:00 and felt wide awake, I should have gotten up and at least started a load of laundry, even if I did go back to bed. Mike and I both took THREE HOUR naps yesterday. I don't know about Mike, he can sleep anytime, anywhere, no matter what, but I don't usually sleep that well at night after taking a nap any longer than 30 minutes during the day. Mike can sleep off and on all day, then go to bed at night and sleep all night. It took me a while to get to sleep last night, but I finally drifted off, but felt wide awake at 4:00. Instead of getting up, though, I stayed in bed and went back to sleep. By 5:30 I was groggy again and didn't want to get up. Go figure.


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