Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Have Mercy

Well, we made it to the library last night to pick up a copy of Jane Eyre for Shael. When she asked my Dad if he had a copy he said "What's that?". Okay, my educated Dad had never heard of Jane Eyre? What is up with that? I was talking on the phone with my Mom and she, of course didn't know what it was, either. She goes "Jane Eyre? Isn't that the airplane lady?" No, Mom, that's Amelia Eirhart. Jeez, where did I come from, anyway?
But, anyway, Shael decides to read it out loud to me on the way home from Grove. OMG. Let's just say that my tastes in books has not changed. After about 5 minutes of hearing her drone on and on and not saying anything (it reminded me of working at J & J and talking to my old boss!) I felt as if my eyes were going to bug out of my head. How can anyone like that? To each his own. But, I told Shael that since she had to read it, I would give it a try. She doesn't know what kind of sacrifice this is going to be.

Gotta run, I have to be at work an hour early today. I traded places with Roberta so at least I get off at 4:00. I won't be like her, though, I'll leave at 4:00 whereas she hangs around for 30 to 45 minutes after the time she's suppose to leave. Sometimes we leave at the same time and I don't leave until 5:00. Crazy woman. She does everything the hard way so it takes her forever to do anything. And she waits until 5 minutes before time for her to leave to start doing any kind of clean up. I honestly don't know what the woman does in her room to take up so much time.

Have a good Wednesday!


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