Saturday, April 08, 2006

I'd Like To Give The World A Coke

I would like to amend my list of movies I could watch over and over. Reality Bites has got to be #1. Numero uno, frijoles. Yes, I just called you all a bunch of beans. Dirty Dancing ranks up there somewhere. My lucky night tonight! Dirty Dancing on WE then right after Reality Bites. TWICE! Reality Bites two times in a row. That way I can watch the parts I missed the first time tonight when I was making something to eat for me and Shael and when my sister in law called and talked for a while. How dare Shael need to eat and my sister in law call while I'm watching a movie I've seen 3 or 4 times? The nerve! I'M KIDDING, frijoles. Sonya, you can call any time.

Ethan Hawke just oozes sex appeal in this movie. Literally drips off his greasy hair. Ach! I do not understand myself. No big news there, right? I drool over these greasy, thug looking intellectuals yet marry the exact opposite. I love long hair on a guy. My guy shaves his head. With a razor. Reading books that don't include pictures of half naked girls on motorcycles (actual books with a hard cover, not a slick paper magazine cover), that's a big turn on for me. My guy, well, it's the magazines with half naked girls and the bikes. Go figure. But, I love my guy. Bald head and magazines and everything.
Gen X-ers. My generation. Have we done anything to change the world? Made it a better place? I hope I am.


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