Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I think I did the most disgusting thing I've ever done (to date) today. It all started a couple weeks ago when some stray dog got whacked on the highway in front of the beauty shop. I'm assuming it was a stray because no one ever claimed it, just left it there to rot, right smack dab in front of the shop. Saturday, my sister in law was talking about how bad the smell was getting. Yeah. It gets grosser. When I got to the beauty shop to wax my lady stash (much to the relief of Mike who told me "It's about time!") my sister in law had been there. She did the most gross thing. She bagged it up in a trash sack with the intention of burying it the next day. But she pulled the bag up next to the shop! The smell was 10 X worse then. She must've forgotten about it because when I was up there today it was still there. So, to be the good daughter, I went out there to it, took a deep breath before I got to it and snagged my finger on the drawstring, avoiding looking at it as I did, and drug it off. Oh, man. Sick. I never did smell anything, I stayed up wind of it the whole time. But there were maggots spilling out of it. Gag! And it was almost liquid. Hoo-ie! Anyway, I drug it way off so now if my sis in law wants to bury it, she can walk up there and do it. At least now Mom won't smell it everytime she steps outside at the beauty shop. Isn't that the grossest thing?
You know, I never noticed that my Easter bunny looked like the Trix rabbit. How funny! He does, now that I think about it. I used a picture out of a coloring book for a model.
I'm going to check on getting Shael put on my insurance. If it's less than $35 a week then she's on. If it's more than $35 a week, she's going on Mike's. Her tonsils look like a baby's bottom. The doctor mentioned it and then quickly added that it wasn't covered with the Indian hospital and "did I have insurance?" I looked at my own tonight, and they are as they always are, swollen, every day of the year. I don't know why. Every time I go to the doctor he mentions how big they are and I say they always look like that. I always get the same response, too. "Hmmmm." A loaded comment from a doctor, you know? So, I thought since I was looking at my own, I'd check on Shael's. Her's were not only swollen, but covered with tiny white blister like spots. Oh, no! I asked her if her throat had been sore and she told me not really, but kind of. Great! After 34 days of antibiotics, I really don't think she would benefit from another dose. But, I don't want her to walk around with strep throat, either. Hopefully we can get her some insurance and take her to a different doctor and get something done. Like have the baby's bottom removed. I would like to have my own baby's bottom removed, also. Now that I have insurance, maybe I can get that done.
Shael needs to see a dentist, and the eye doctor soon, also. Those are going to have to wait until she's out of school so she won't miss more school than she already has. Her eyes! When are they going to level off and quit changing prescription? She's only worn glasses for 2-1/2 years and they've already changed twice. All this anxiety, bad eyes, bad teeth business did not come from me, that's for sure. She's like Mike's Mom all over again. Lovely thought, isn't it? To be raising your mother in law? RFLMAO


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Back when Papa had the farm he never ever left town, but for some reason (probably a funeral) he left town for a few days and left things to Uncle David, Mom and Dad. Dad took care of the milking. It was summer. A sheep died. Dad was busy with the cows, so Mom and Uncle David decided that they'd drag the ol' dead ewe off. She was bloating something fierce in the summer sun. They donned gloves and headed to the pasture. They each grabbed a set of legs, counted one, two, three....and pulled that dang sheep's legs right off. Now, that's gross. But yeah, maggots spilling out of a liquified dog in a bag....that's gross, too. *shudder*

Abby got her glasses in Kindergarten and until September of 3rd grade, her prescription changed every six months. Poor kid. She's blind as her mother. She went a year this last Rx change, thankfully.

You'll see a total change in Shael once those diseased tonsils come out. With Abby it was more of a ear issue and the tonsils were a bonus thing while he was in there, but Sam desperately needed the tonsil/adenoidectomy. His 5 year old tonsils were larger than an adult's and chock full of infectious goodness. Dr. Allen said they were by far the grossest tonsils he'd ever seen. Bleh. They both have been so much healthier since - I've never regretted getting them yanked.

8:47 PM  
Blogger Stacie said...

Ack! That gives me a whole new meaning to sheep legs. Gross.
The thing with Shael is that she's never really been sick her whole life. This ear infection she developed a few months ago was the very first one in her life. She's never had the constant stuffy nose, or sinus problems either. But all of a sudden here are those nasty tonsils. I'm not even sure if the doctors would take them out. Just try to pump her full of antibiotics again. Something I really don't want because her intestines are just now getting over those 34 days of antibiotics. We'll see, I guess.

5:45 AM  
Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Well, depending on who your insurance would allow her to see, I recommend Dr. Allen (Darren from Wyandotte - remember him?). He took one look at my kids' nasty nodes and said, "Oh yeah, those are coming out." No deliberation, nothing.

8:33 PM  

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