Monday, February 05, 2007

It Could Maybe Be Done

Five classes in summer. It could happen. Did you notice what classes they were? Except for Speech, they were all fluff classes. I know these classes can't be too difficult because I know some people who have taken them. That sounds terrible, I know. I've seen the required work for some of these classes, they ain't that tough.
And, I didn't include the classes I've already taken or am currently taking in the list from 1-14. So, Psych is Psych. Not family or whatever.
Shael has the flu or sump'ner other. Yay. She went to my Mom's this morning while I went to class and when I came back to pick her up, my Mom said she knew Shael was feeling pretty bad because she wasn't obnoxious all morning. Humph! My daughter isn't obnoxious! Whatever.
Shael and I went to Wal-Mart in Miami this afternoon to buy her some new skis, I mean shoes. I saw one of the Aunts there and Shael didn't even know who she was. You know you have a surplus of Aunts when your kid doesn't even know them all. She's a first aunt, too. One of my Dad's sisters. My Mom came from a slightly larger than today's standards family. Five kids. She's got two brothers and two sisters. But, my Dad, he puts that to shame. He has three brothers, instead of just two. And ten sisters. Yes, 1-0. TEN. He has lost one sister and one brother. But, still, now you know why I call them "the Aunts". I know some better than others, I have my favorites. Some I feel sorry for, and some I just plain don't know very well at all. The one we saw today falls into that last category. I love her, she's family, but she is one weird lady. She looks like she could've easily hooked up with Festus from Gunsmoke. Or Sloth from The Goonies. Ha! "Hey, guys!" I spoke to her and as we walked off, Shael said "Who was that?"(Like she had the plague or leprosy) Hopefully we were out of ear range. If we weren't and my dear Auntie heard Shael, then that means that Shael really did come out of my body and the gene that makes a person say embarrassing, critical statements about another person within hearing range skipped over me and went right into my daughter. Roni, you should know exactly what gene I'm speaking of.
We looked at a lot of illusions today in class. I wrote down the web address so I could come home and look at them a little closer and/or longer. I sent them on to Mikey, he likes those kinds of things. Next month when he decides to check his email, he'll really enjoy them, after spending the good part of an hour getting rid of the 783 spam mails that are crowding his Yahoo! inbox. Thinking of spam mail, why the heck have I suddenly started receiving spam from NRA? I've tried to filter them to the trash, I've tried reporting them as spam, but I'm still getting them. Jerks.
Anyway, here's that addy for the illusions. Let's get freaky deaky!


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