Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What To Do?

I just found out that I was turned down for a Pell Grant. Great. I was counting on that, sort of. Now I don't really know how I'm going to be paying for college. God will provide a way. A way that doesn't include student loans. More on this subject later, I'm sure.
I had this big ole long post saved as a draft, but I think I'll scrap it because, well, it was boring even to me. I'll give you the highlights:
1.) rented Spider Man 2 Thursday night for family night, and Shael didn't even come home.
2.) locked my keys in my car at Mom & Daddy's.
3.) the three of us went to the Spavinaw Bike Rally Saturday
4.) while Mike camped out and got drunk at the bike rally, Shael and I came home and later in the evening went to the movies and saw Spider Man 3. (I LOVED IT!)
5.) Mike jammed his thumb at work and like the man he is, gave it a yank Saturday to "un-jam" it. OUCH. It worked, though

Gosh, how did I get so many boring paragraphs out of just five little highlights? Beats me!


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

If you're going to NEO again next semester, talk to Edie Ingram with the NEO Foundation. Her office is in the library. It might be a $500 book scholarship, but hey, any helps.

7:59 AM  

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