Wednesday, May 02, 2007


That's my sigh of relief that my first semester back to college is now officially over. I just finished up my final for Psychology. I checked my grades on line and was shocked to find that my mid term grade in psych was a C. What the...? The lowest grade I ever got on anything was a 92, except my paper and it was a 90. Hmmm... I don't know what happened there. It made my GPA a 2.73. How exceptional.
I don't go to work until noon and it's not even 9:00 yet, so here I am sitting in the computer lab at the school, trying to decide what to do until noon. Maybe ask Mike to take me to lunch today since I forgot to bring my chicken breast I cooked last night with the intention of taking it in my lunch today. I hate it when I do that.
I don't know how much spare time I'll be having now that school is out. This week I'm working every day. Not one day off, but two half days. Tomorrow I go in at 7:00 and Friday I go in at 8:00. I don't like going in at 8:00 because it usually means I'm there over 9 hours. When I go in at noon, I at least know I will be closing and will get about 5-1/2 hours in. But 8:00 to close means a looooong day. That was yesterday. A long day. This gal blew up over something stupid and I fell into the trap. I stewed about it so long my jaws started hurting. I realized what I was doing. Gritting my teeth so much and so hard that my jaw and my teeth started aching. I was getting upset over something, too. At least I didn't blow up and yell like that other be-otch did. I don't like her. She's the one who constantly yells at the kids instead of getting off her big butt and walking to the kids and finding out what's going on. Drives me cu-RAZY! Crazy, I tell ya.
But, today is another day. THANK GOD!
Shael is getting her ears pierced for the second time tonight. She's playing with the idea of also getting the upper part of her ears pierced, too. I'm going to try to talk her out of that, simply because I don't like it. lol. But, if she says she really wants it, I'll let her, she's old enough to make up her own mind about what she wants, in that area anyway. I don't think I'd let it go as far as letting her get her nose or her navel pierced. I'm not as liberal as my sister. Pierced belly buttons are sexy. A 13 year old should not appear sexy. That's my opinion. And as you all already know, everybody is entitled to it.
I think I'll go now. I'm going to do a little free Internet surfing on this fast server before I get out of here.
Later taters!


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