Friday, April 20, 2007

Almost Over

Only one more week and this school thing will be over. For a few weeks that is, until summer school starts. I haven't totally made up my mind about what to do with work. Should I quit, should I stay? I'm not very happy there so I think I will probably end up quiting. Mike wants me to, but then he wants me to go out and find another job. I want to focus on getting school out of the way, then go to work. He once told me that he would support me if that's what I wanted to do, but now I think he's getting second thoughts. I don't think I'll let that stop me. I loath the idea of working a full time or even a part time job and trying to cram in a few classes here and there for the next six or seven years. Not for me.
I really don't have a whole lot to report on today. Mike and I are going to go to Joplin this afternoon and do a little shopping for my poetry board project for my children's lit class. I will miss the nice big ride that he and a group of his riding buddies will be taking tomorrow, Saturday, because I will be stuck home doing homework. I thought I was going to get a chance to do some today, but then I got called into work for two whole hours. So, I thought I'd squeeze some in between work and when Mike and I headed to Joplin, and then my Mom called me and asked me if I would type up my Dad's bio for the Tribal Newsletter. Sure. I can do everything. I'm super woman, remember? Today, I will go to class, go to work, help my Dad, and go shopping for craft/school supplies, jeans, shoes and jeans for Mike. All in one day, this is starting to sound like my sister's life. I've never envied her super woman life of constantly on the go.
I really hope that tomorrow, Shael gives me the peace and quiet that I'll need to get these things wrapped up so I won't have to worry and stew over them Monday night and Tuesday day before I hand them in Tuesday night.
Pray for me!


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

I'm praying! I'm praying! Pray for me, too, will ya?

These last two weeks have been horrific! I don't remember the last few weeks of that semester allllll those years ago being this bad!

I think you're wise to focus on school rather than try to work and fit in classes here and there. The thought of dragging things out any longer than absolutely makes me want to cry!

Now...I'm off to write the next round of notecards for my Psych paper. I've only written 80 so far...just four more sources to go and probably another 80 for each...

7:03 PM  

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