Thursday, August 13, 2009

Elton John Is Stalking Me!

Wow, I may actually keep up with this thing throughout the week now that I have access to a computer. A very fast one, btw. Nothing better than that.

I got to bed later than I would have liked last night. I thought I was going to have a busy day until about noon, but it lasted until 9:30. This I don't mind, I mean, who would?

I had to go take a pee test yesterday for new employment. Enter the shy bladder. I sat there for an hour and a half trying to pee! I kept going in and out of the bathroom. Drinking water until I was sick feeling. I finally squeezed out about 3 or 4 drops. I got excited prematurely because I thought I was going to start peeing. Nope. It stopped after those few drops. I almost threw them out when 5:00 rolled around and that was all I had. But I'm glad I didn't. That woman was good! She was able to test all those strips with just a few drops of pee. Surprise, surprise, surprise, I tested negative for all of them. Opiates, pot, cocaine, shoot I can't even remember the other ones. What else is there? I have no

I am wearing a dress today, feeling a bit overdressed at first, but I got use to it quick. I am more comfortable in this dress that I would have been in jeans. I'm a dress kind of girl these days.

If the girl who's office I share doesn't do something different with the music she listens to in here, her computer may find that something has happened to it so as to not play Elton John-esque music anymore! I've about had it with the same 20 songs over and over. Its funny, if it were my favorite 20 songs from my favorite artists, I could listen for weeks and not get sick of them, but these are songs like "Say, Say, Say" by Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson and "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues" by Elton John and "Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong" which is on right now. Other songs that get mega play time on Yahoo! music include "Cherish" by Kool & The Gang and anything Michael Jackson. Oh, and "True Colors" by Cindy Lauper is a favorite. That one I actually like and don't mind hearing a lot. So far. But, I have had my fill of Debbie Gibson, Tiffany and the likes of them.

Having gone back and forth on my smoking habits, I don't know if I'm considered a full time smoker or not. Two days ago, I smoked about 4 cigarettes, the day before 2, yesterday none. And I've been okay with it. It's not like I'm dying to have a smoke and I'm trying to stop. I just, stopped. I think it was my surroundings at the store that made me want to smoke so much. The chase, the excitement of the game of trying to catch a few minutes when no one was there to go smoke. Here it's nothing. I just go smoke if I want to. What's the excitement in that? I'm so weird, I know.

Well, I think I've about exhausted every topic I can talk about. How about Shael? I haven't talked about her much lately. She turned (drum roll please) 15 last month! She's very excited about starting school as a Sophomore this year. She did so well in school last year considering her parents were going through a divorce. This year I hope she's a little more adjusted. There's more of a routine now than there was then.
She is absolutely gorgeous. She gets prettier every day. She FINALLY started taking mind to her clothes, if they match or not, and how they fit. Gone are the days of sloppy jeans and t-shirts. Long haired ponytails have given way to much fussed over coifs. Freckles are being noticed only I think they are extremely endearing and very "Shael". I have this premonition that the first day of school the boys are going to be whispering to each other "Did you see Shael?" She grew several inches over the summer and hasn't gained a pound. If anything, she lost some. She's is now about 5' 6-1/2". She still likes all the weird hair color things, too. That's my girl.

Several weeks ago, I bought me this t-shirt that says "When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm even BETTER" The very next day Shael got one that says "I Got It From My Mama" Oh boy.

I've had a date here and there with a few different guys. Haven't had any worth blogging about, really. I've found that they all want the same thing. Jerks. But, that's life, I just have to know how to take care of myself. I have a guy coming over for supper tonight. I'm not too crazy about the food I'll be making for him, but that's what he wanted. I aim to please when it comes to cooking. I'm going to be making some fresh green beans and new red potatoes too, so, I can fill up on those and garlic toast. LOL. I also have fresh salsa that I made myself. I can eat that, unless Shael has it gone by the time I get home. Which is so possible. :)

Ok, so NOW I've exhausted my blog material. Don't forget all you blog readers, Life After High School is Still High School.


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