Friday, August 28, 2009

Pay Day is Here! Let's All Do the Aunt Stacie Dance!

I found these three little packages of hamburger meat in my freezer that saved me. I guess if all else failed we could have eaten the chicken that's in there that Shael and I are so sick of we would almost rather vomit than eat.
But the hamburger, it gave us three meals. Monday night, Shael ate at my brother's and I ate ramen noodles thinking I was going to be eating them until Friday. So, Tuesday night I'm thinking there's got to be more than ramen noodles in those cupboards and more than that crappy chicken in the freezer. I knew there wasn't anything more than a half gallon of milk, some butter, half an onion, loads of condiments, a giant (THE BIG DADDY) pickle in a pouch, and lots of assorted items in various stages of decay in the fridge.
I found a couple big packages pancake/waffle/biscuit mix, one of which was almost empty. One package of egg noodles, a baggie of brown gravy that I had frozen the last time I made a roast. Shael says she doesn't like brown gravy, so there was a bunch of it left over and I hated to just throw it away, so I saved it and stuck it in the freezer thinking I might be able to find a use for it someday. So glad I did. Add brown gravy to egg noodles and browned hamburger and there's a meal. No veggies to go with it, but we got full. And I had some left over to eat for lunch the next day.
Hamburger meat with a box of always save mac & cheese and a can of commodity tomato soup was enough for supper one night and lunch for two days.
Last night was biscuits and gravy which is actually one of Shael's most favorite meals anyway. Hamburger gravy, yum.
I am super woman.


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