Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I Would Like To Thank All The Stupid People

For without the stupid people, there would be no burn ban back on. Life would be so boring without the stupid people. I read on the Internet last night (and it must be true because everything on the Internet is true!) that all of Oklahoma except for the counties in the south east are back on burn ban. Because people thought that since the burn ban was lifted they could burn again. Even in high winds. C'mon, people! Use some common sense. When the wind is blowing through like a tornado, don't be burning. But, that burn ban was lifted and people were itching to burn stuff. Wind or no wind. The good thing about this current burn ban is that charcoal grilling is exempt. We can still grill outside. Good, because we did, anyway. Don't turn me in, okay? We is part of the stupid people, I guess. But we don't grill if it's windy outside, even when there isn't a burn ban. And we stay with it.
Mike cooked supper last night. Heavenly days, is it true? You ask yourself? Yes, it's true. He cooked up those onions. He kind of ruined them for me, though, by putting his own Wilkinson spin on them and poured bacon grease over the top of them when they were finished cooking. I don't know how many times I have to tell him that I do not like eggs cooked with bacon grease or even touching bacon grease. The only thing bacon grease is good for in my opinion is making gravy. I ate them anyway and they were kind of good, but not really. They didn't taste like what I wanted, so it was a real let down. I had my mouth set on eggs and onions and I didn't get it. And he made this huge mess and didn't clean it up. I was in the kitchen scrubbing off the bacon grease and the eggs that got slopped out onto the stove top. I think the man uses every utensil and bowl in the house when he cooks. Tonight he's grilling burgers. I think I'll make a mess of eggs and onions this morning before I leave and all that'll have to be done to them tonight is heat them up. Leave them with strong instructions that no bacon grease is to come nigh them. I tried to let him know without hurting his feelings and without seeming ungrateful that he actually cooked. I said "cooking them in bacon grease kind of takes away the flavor of the onions" and he said "Oh, I didn't cook them in bacon grease. I just poured it over the top of them when they were done" Oy. Talk about sacrilegious.

Shael was sick yesterday and ended up staying at my Mom's all day. Mom said she slept almost all day. Then when she got home last night, she stayed curled up on the couch complaining of being cold when it was 72 degrees in the house. She was sacked out by 7:30 and this morning woke up on her own by 6:15. I'm debating on sending her to school or leaving her home. She has a doctor appointment tomorrow at 3:40 and I don't know if I should wait till then or try to get her in earlier. She says she feels much better so we might just wait. And she might just go to school. I thought maybe it was her ear making her sick again. But if she feels better today, it might have been a bug.

The dog still isn't home. I called yesterday and the vet was out working cattle so the lady said she'd have him call me at work when he got in. He never called. It's all the same to me because I don't have the money to pay him right now anyway. The closer it gets to Thursday evening, the better for me. My check gets deposited into my account at midnight Thursday night and if I were to write him a check before then it would be hot. Since I haven't been overdrawn since before Christmas, I really don't want to do it again.

I just dropped the news on Shael that she's going to school. Noooo!!! You would think I told her she was going to Military School or something. Sheese. I can't wait for school to be out, I'm so sick of hearing her whine about it. Although, she has this week to bring her grades up or I'm going to be forced to enroll her in summer school. That will be lovely. She's already brought them up quite a bit. On her report card before Spring Break she's brought her math up 40 points. She still needs to bring it up at least another 10 points to pass, but I think she can do it. All she needs is a little motivation and summer school might be the ticket. I didn't know a child could make a 10 without a teacher letting a parent know before 5 week grade cards were sent out. Her teacher has my email address and never even gave me a heads up telling me how badly Shael was doing. Just wham! I got a report card in the mail and Shael's math grade was a 10. Yes, out of 100. When her regular report card got sent home she'd brought it up to a 50. Technically still an F, I was very proud of her for bringing it up so far. I know that she must have worked hard to get that far. If she doesn't have all her grades up to passing D's then summer school is unavoidable. I really wish that she was a student that didn't have to work so hard to make good grades. You know how some students don't even hardly crack a book yet they still make A's and B's? Then there are those students who work their butts off and still only make C's. That's Shael. Only she's not working her butt off so she's making F's. She really struggles and it wrips my heart out seeing it. She's a smart kid, I know there's got to be a different learning style in there that no one is touching. If only someone would tap into that learning style it would make her life so much easier. And mine. She needs complete and utter silence, no distractions and lots of encouragement that she can do it. Do you think she gets that in public school? Yeah, I wish.

She's been tested for ADD and she doesn't have that problem. The doctor told me I could put her on ADD meds to maybe help her concentration but that was out of the question. If she didn't have ADD why in the world would I want to put her on meds for that? I've seen what those meds do to hyper kids, what would it do to my child? She'd be a zombie for sure. I couldn't bare to watch that. The doctor did say she suffers from acute anxiety. You better believe it, she does. So much so that it caused her to have health problems back in the 4th grade. All those tests they ran only made her more anxious. And now, in the last weeks of 6th grade, she's all worried about passing 6th grade. If she would only work on it all year instead of waiting till the last few weeks! Oh, but me and Mike know nothing. We is stupid remember?

I've got to go light a fire under Shael. I told her specifically to take a quick shower so there would be enough hot water for my shower. What does she do? She fills her tub up to the very tip top to take a nice lingering bath. Something I tried to get her to do last night but she wouldn't do it because she wanted to watch something on TV. Something she fell asleep during anyway. We need to leave in, oh, about 20 minutes and I'm still in my house coat not having taken a shower myself yet. And now there's no hot water because it's all in Shael's tub. Does the kid deliberately do stuff to annoy me?


Blogger Xavier said...

You Welcome

9:19 PM  

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