Friday, December 01, 2006

What A Mess

First ice. Then snow. And lots of it. It sleeted for hours yesterday, piling up on everything, making it nearly impossible even to exit the house because the door was frozen shut. Right as we were getting ready to go to bed, the sleet turned to snow and then it snowed for hours. I don't know how many inches we ended up with, but at our house, it's at least a foot. Shael is tucked away safely at my parents house, but is now getting bored and wants to come home. But guess what? We can't even get our Suburban out of the yard. We had gone to Joplin Wednesday night to get some last minute things done before the storm hit and it was raining pretty hard when we got home so Mike backed the Suburban up to the back porch so we wouldn't have to walk through the pond that is normally our back yard. By the next day, it was ice and he didn't even think to move it before the snow piled on top of that. So, now it's stuck. Yay. And so are we. Oh, well. We have plenty of food, plenty of fire wood and the sun is shining bright, melting the snow right now, even. I'm thinking of making a big pot of hot chocolate and a batch of sugar cookies. Being snowed in just calls for that, I think.
On the down side, my Dad's place of business had the roof cave in from the weight of the ice and snow. I'm not sure of the details yet, but Mike is going to have my Dad come out and pull our Suburban free and we'll go up there to try to help him. I'm planning on taking pictures, I'll post some later. My Dad's a mechanic and his garage is pretty big. Mike and I don't know who's cars were inside, but we are hoping that no high dollar vehicles were damaged and that the insurance will pay for any cars that were crushed.
Kudos to my nephew, Luke, for wearing his seatbelt when his Mama wasn't there to tell him to wear it. We are all very glad you had it on, Mr. Now for the good natured ribbing: Shall we buy you a helmet and elbow pads for Christmas? Can we pass on the title of "Crash Test Dummy" to you, since Shael and I have owned it for nearly two years now? Be careful out there!


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