Monday, March 19, 2007

Cooking With Tofu

Today for lunch is whole grain spaghetti and tofu. I sauteed the tofu with a drop of olive oil and a clove of garlic and still the stuff has no taste. I had to add some Greek seasoning (my favorite for just about any dish) for some flavor. There's some pesto in the fridge, I could have added that, but I like to save that for my ravioli. I've been on a big ravioli kick lately. I cook three cheese and three beef then stir in some pesto while they're still hot on my plate and it's a quick and easy meal for me. It leaves horrendous breath in it's wake, but it's so good, it's worth it.
I never made it to Miami last Friday. But, I did get the kitchen cleaned up and all the laundry finished, so that's something, right? Mike took Shael over to his parents house and she's still there today. She called last night to tell us that she had a little mishap at Chuck E. Cheese. It seems she had a little panic attack when Chuck E. Cheese came up and stood next to her. She started crying and he put his arm around her which made her really go into hysterics. Here are all these little kids that run up to him and hug him and then there's my nearly 13 year old daughter who cries when he gets near her. Yeah. Me and Mike got a good laugh over that one. Our poor baby.
I had this dream last night that I was married to Maximillion Schell and pregnant with twins. He was extremely rich but I still felt compelled to ask his permission before spending any money on anything or even to borrow his Mercedes to take some people to the airport. It seems he owned a travel agency and I ran it and I was needing to take some clients to the airport so they wouldn't have to take a cab. I guess it was beneath then. I watched Deep Impact Saturday evening, that might have something to do with it. My dreams are freaky!
I think that I have come up with a theory that explains Mike's talent for being a fat chick magnet. He was telling me this story of how this big fat fatty was coming on to him at the bar the other night. It was really funny yet I kept thinking that if he would stay out of the bars then that would take care of it right there. But, it seems that no matter where he goes, the women that come on to him are always big mammer jammers. And I can say this being a big mammer jammer myself. And come on to him they do. I've seen it with my own two eyes. I usually sit back and have myself a little amusement until he comes over to me and gives me a big kiss or something to let them know he's taken.
But, my theory. This is it. I told him last night that it's because he's too nice. He said he was nice to everyone, why couldn't the good looking ones come on to him. My theory states that everybody is nice to the good looking ones, so they don't feel the need to cozy up to him. They have the pick of the litter. Being fat myself, I know from experience that not everybody is nice to the fat ones and they will latch on to anyone who is nice to them.
Mike scratched his chin and said "Hmmmm, makes sense". Of course it makes sense, I know what I'm talking about here. Mike is a huge flirt and will flirt with anything female. Especially those that don't normally get flirted with. Like the old ladies and the ugly women. And the fat ones. He flirts with the young hot hotties, also, but they are so use to men flirting with them that they take him with a grain of salt. Women who don't get flirted with often are really attracted to someone who notices them and flirts with them. Mike says he doesn't flirt. But, believe me, as a woman, I know what flirting is. And what he does is flirting.
So, call me Stacie the Great Philosopher. And you can call my theory "The Corpulent Come Ons"
With no Shael tonight, we might end up in Joplin. Mike wants to get a new alarm clock and he has a particular kind in mind. Best Buy has them, so I hope we make it there. I'm really sick of the one he has now. I have woke up to the opening guitar riffs of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" for the past couple of years now, I'm ready for something different.
Day one of Spring Break is gloomy looking outside. That means perfect sleeping in weather. Which I did. I didn't wake up until nearly 10:00 this morning! I couldn't believe it when I looked over at the Nirvana clock. It's 2:02 now and I'm still in my house coat. I love it. Tomorrow, that will be a different story. There's only so many house coat days in a week.
I'm going to go take a long hot bath, reading the last chapter in my stupid romance novel I reserve for bathroom time. Don't laugh, and don't tell me you don't read in the bathroom! I am looking forward to wrinkled toes.
Happy Day!


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