Friday, June 15, 2007


Although it's three weeks from today that Shael will be an official teenager, she's been acting like one for quite some time now. But, we've been noticing in the few weeks since school's been out that she's acting more and more like a know-it-all, everybody-is-so-lame, my-parents-don't-know-anything teenager. The only thing missing is the boy crazy part. So, no "he's so cute!" inspired giggling, eye rolling, or swooning....So far. Just the attitude. She does have posters of the boy from High School Musical plastered all over her bedroom walls. But, they're still hanging next to Hannah Montana and Hillary Duff. What were the words to that old song? "Part ribbons and curls part perfume and lace."
My summer classes are so far such a bore. My only consolation is that they are short lived classes and they will be over by the end of July. Well, maybe not my only consolation. I also have the fact that I'll be 6 hours closer to my degree and I might just get a new computer out of the ordeal. I'm trying to send out huge hints without going overboard and into the complaining territory. Mike got himself a new MP3 player so now he wants the new computer. We'll probably get one now that he has a reason. My going to school wasn't reason enough for him, I guess. Men.
Reminds me of the joke I read the other day. I pray the Lord give me wisdom so I can understand my husband and patience so I can put up with him. But I never pray for strength because I would only beat the living shit out of him.


Blogger Marshamarshamarsha said...

Loved your prayer about your husband. Hilarious!!

9:19 PM  

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