Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sex Is Such An Issue!

I think Sirius Satelite is trying to make a statement. I'm listening to Sirius 80's on the TV right now and they just finished playing the very blatant "I Want Your Sex" by George Michael. Directly following it with Jermain Stewart's "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off (To Have A Good Time)". What kind of statement are they trying to make? I'm not sure about that one. Are they sending out these mixed singnals on purpose? Do they feel that they must "make up" for the strongly suggestive song by also playing one that sends the message that sex isn't everything? Once again, we need the wise owl from the Tootsie Roll Commecial to tell us "The World May Never Know".
I don't think I've mentioned this on here yet, but I got a new job the other day. I don't actually start until next week. I'll start out as a sub whenever they need me and I'll eventually start working from 2:30-5:30. Not very many hours, I know, but it's exactly what I was wanting. It's a really nice, clean, and new day care. They are only liscensed for 30 so that will be the biggest change for me. It'll be great. The director is really nice and she made me feel qualified and needed. Those are always good things to feel.
Tomorrow is the 4th and we'll be driving all over the place, I have a feeling, trying to please all family members by showing up at their house for some sort of celebration. I would just as soon not go to the in laws. But, you know how that goes. My parents invited us first, so we'll start out there. How long we'll stay there will depend on if I can talk Mike into not going to his parents. We'll see how that pans out.
Happy 4th of July, everyone! Be safe!


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