Monday, July 09, 2007

What A Weekend!

I took a hurried trip to Nashville for The Call. It was so amazing! I'm not sure how many people were there, but the stadium was full. How many people will the LP Stadium in Nashville hold? That's where the Titans play. I'll Google that later. It has inspired me, my next speech, which is persuasive, is going to be about abortion.
40 years ago thousands upon thousands of young people descended on San Fransisco. Eventually known as "The Summer Of Love", it was the beginning of the "sexual revolution" and the free love movement. At the end of that summer, those thousands of young people went home and brought with them all the things they had learned. The quintessential sex, drugs, and rock & roll life style was born and spread all over the country.
In those 40 years, society has decayed so much, that millions of babies are aborted, marriage is almost a thing of the past, and drug use has become so rampant that it has become known as "The WAR Against Drugs". Each generation is getting worse.
But the time has come to end all that foolishness. 40 years have gone by and it is time for this country to step into it's Promised Land. The Call is the gathering of the solemn assembly to pray and fast for this generation to repent and turn to to the Lord. Ending abortion, ending the drug "war", and ending sexual perversions such as pornography, and sexual immoralities like multiple partners, sex before marriage and homosexuality.
I may catch a lot of flack for these statements, but I don't care. I don't have to publish any comment I don't approve. I am one of these people that had to repent from sexual sins! I am not a hypocrite, I am repentant of my old ways. I am not a gay basher, I love the people and want to see them in the favor of God.
So, that was my weekend. That's only the tip of the iceberg. But, I don't want to go on and on. If you are interested and want to know more about The Call, just click on my link and it will take you right to their home page.
To completely change the subject, I gave my first speech today. I was nervous, but not so much that I thought I'd pee my pants or anything. My palms were wet and my throat dry. I felt like I had a slight quiver in my voice the whole time but a friend of mine said that she couldn't hear it. Thank goodness! I think I might have looked around too much because it almost felt like my head was whipping around from side to side too quickly, but I was so nervous I couldn't control myself! I hope I didn't bomb! I guess I'll find out how I did in a couple days. He will wait to give us our results until everyone is finished with their speech and tomorrow is the last day of informative speeches.
I hope that everyone had a great weekend and if I don't get back on here until next weekend, have another fun filled, summer time, lemon-aide drinking, lazy, laid back weekend. And if that's not possible, be safe whatever it is you do.


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