Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ain't Misbehavin'

Gosh, I'd better be good, I've got a new reader. I think that brings my grand total up to TWO!
I've been everywhere but home the past couple weeks, it seems. Helping Mom clean that horrible, nasty building she calls her work place. That was last week and will be next week, too. I'm sure hoping that by the end of next week we can have it finished so I can quit going up there, I've got things I need to get done, too. My house is pitiful! I've been doing the bare necessities for three weeks now. I got it all good and clean before that and haven't done squat, hardly, since then. I run the dishwasher when we run out of clean plates. (I've even been resorting to using foam plates a couple nights..*gasp!*) The dust rag is probably gathering dust by sitting idle instead of running it across the dusty surfaces of my house. The carpet hasn't even been vacuumed. The kitchen floor gets swept when I step on something gross with socked feet. Maybe once a week. How is it that my kitchen floor gets so disgusting so fast?
This week was a little different. In order to get out of helping clean the beauty shop, I went to a court hearing instead. Stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire. At one point I was playing with my cell phone (which was on silent, naturally, I'm not that rude.....am I?) to distract myself so I wouldn't get down right mad at the man on the stand. He can do it to me.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, I have the day to myself ( I HOPE) because my parents are going out of town for a couple of days which means I won't be obligated to clean the shop. If she says I can continue without her, I'll have to tell her I can't. I really can't tomorrow, anyway, I've got homework. You can probably guess what subject. Science. I've got a lab due and an assignment due. The lab is due Thursday and the assignment is due Friday. So, tomorrow is my only chance to get them done. I also have two tests Thursday that I need to study for.
I feel consumed by college. Anyone else ever feel this way? It's virtually all I think about these days. I'm praying continuously that God would grant me the wisdom and the understanding to get through this with the same high standards I set for myself when I started last spring.
I see funny little things that I think will be good blog fodder and they fly right out my head moments after the thought first arises. I should really carry a blog notebook and jog down funny things I see or hear or think of throughout my day. It has been ages since I've thought or even said out loud the phrase "I'm so going to blog about this!"
So, what did you do last weekend. I realize it's Tuesday and I'm asking about your weekend a little late, but, better late than never, right? My weekend was pretty fun. Half of it, anyway. That one day was fun enough to make up for the other day that wasn't as fun.
First of all, Saturday. Mike's company picnic was Saturday. We went expecting a cool day, but still nice and crisp, like a typical fall day. What we got was a typical fall day, all right, but the bad kind. It was cold and rainy. I had brought my boots, thank goodness, and I changed into them about 2 minutes after getting out of the car and walking around in the cold. Shael and I both had on hoodies and we were still cold. At one point, we were all three sitting in the car with the heater running. Even Mike!
We stayed there about 3 hours. It was 3 long hours, it felt like 6. We ate fried chicken and potato salad. Shael said "YUM, I want popcorn chicken!" when she saw the giblets. LOL. I had to tell her that it wasn't popcorn chicken, I couldn't be mean and let her eat one and find out for herself. She might've thrown up.
Mike won a nice big camping supply thingie ma bopper. It contained a tent (10X13), two sleeping bags, a soft sided cooler, four cups, four cup coozies, four plates, and four of forks, knifes, and spoons. Now all we need is to go camping.
We went to Neosho from the picnic, which was up by Carthage. We had plans to go see the PBR. We weren't sure if we were going to be able to go because of the rain. It had rained so hard at the picnic but when we got to Neosho, it had hardly rained at all, if it even had rained at all. The bull riding didn't start until 8:00 with the mutton bustin' starting at 7:00. We had nearly 4 hours to spare until then. We went to The Front Page on the square, which is a returns store. All new stuff, but a lot of it is damaged in a small, usually repairable way. Like a missing button, or a tiny hole in the armpit, or a strap twisted, or even mis-sized. We spent a long time there looking for warmer clothes to wear to the bull riding. But none of us found anything. Then we went to Dollar General and found what we wanted right away. Oh, and the junk food Mike bought there. He does not help me at all in my quest to loose weight.
Then we went to Wal-Mart, the evil empire, where I sat in the car and Mike and Shael went in to get her some contacts. They had them in stock so she didn't even have to order them. She's been wearing the same trial pair since July. I was afraid something was going to happen to that one pair before we could get her a box of them. But, nothing ever did.
Finally, we made it to the PBR. It was a BLAST! So fun! The mutton bustin' was absolutely adorable. And if that wasn't cute enough, they also had The Mutton Scramble, where they tied ribbons in the wool of 5 sheep then let all the kids six years and under run after them to grab that ribbon. Those sheep were just moseying around nibbling at the grass at the edge of the arena when WHAMO, here come about 20 little kids running towards them. They took off in a panic, baahhing like mad. It was hilarious. It took them about 10 minutes to get the ribbons. Later on they had a calf scramble for kids 7-12. There were only 3 calves, and they acted the same way as those poor sheep. It was as if I could read their minds "Doopti, doopti, dooo, hmmm, there's a nice clump of grass, mmmm tastes good too....HOLY CRAP! WHAT'S THAT? RUUUUUUNNNNNNN! THEY'RE AFTER US!!!" It actually took the bigger kids longer to get the ribbons off the three calves than it did the little kids and the sheep. Those calves are fast!
Well, I'd better hurry up and spell check this puppy and get it posted. My next class starts in 15 minutes and I still have to use the bathroom and all that jazz.
In case it's another week before I post again, have a great week.


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