Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Carpe Diem

Life working on the weekends is getting easier. Last week it took me until Wednesday to feel rested up. This time I felt pretty good by Monday afternoon. That's good.
I was finally able to go solo Saturday night. It was so much better! Being able to do things my way and not have to be irritated by the other person's way. I can be so anal about so many stupid things. For one, my drawer was straight all night long and at the end of the night when I had to count it, all the bills were already facing the same direction and I didn't waste 10 minutes getting them that way. That was WONDERFUL! My drawer started out off Saturday because of the girl who had it before me left it like $15 long. So, at the end of the night when I closed, my drawer was $17 long. That bugged the crap out of me. The cop closing with me told me it was probably just a minor mistake in my adding with the adding machine and not to worry about it. And the safe was short by a quarter! That one I couldn't figure out. Except the fact that I didn't count the safe personally before I started my shift, the assistant manager did and she told me it was good. And I believed her. Humph. Then on Sunday night, my drawer was long again. But this time by a penny. Much better. And the safe was dead on right. Much, much better. See, when there's only one person messing with the money, things stay less messy. When there's two or three people messing with it all in one night, things get messed up and I don't like that.
The girl who works the shift right before me now is the same one who trained me and she really irritates me. She's okay, I guess, but she doesn't do what she's suppose to do. She doesn't follow the rules! Gasp! She wears her coat when you aren't suppose to wear anything but short sleeves. She wastes so much deli food, and I think she does it on purpose because she takes the left overs home to her dogs. When she goes home, she takes at least 8 items off the hot dog roller home to her dogs. Saturday night I took home nothing, I only had one little eggroll left that I was going to bring home to Corbin when this poor mouthing Mexican came in 10 minutes before closing wanting something off the roller. He really wanted an eggroll and I told him I was out. He said in his broken English "You're sure you don't have something for me?" So, I told him about the eggroll I'd taken off an hour ago that he could have for free if he wanted it. He took it and ate it! I was laughing when he came back in with his friend to buy a drink. He told me his friend didn't believe that I gave it to him and had accused him of taking it out of the trash. I laughed again and told him, no, I'd given it to him and that I was going to throw it away but hadn't yet. Then I said "Actually I was going to take it home and give it to my dog" and those two Mexicans got the biggest kick out of that. They walked out the door still laughing over it. We get a lot of Mexicans in the evenings and they are the nicest people. Even if they can't speak much English. They know how to say "Marlbro lights 100 in a box" real well.
Okay, I've got a gripe to pitch to you guys. On my first day of work, I wore a long sleeve sweater and a hat and I was told I couldn't wear them again. I had to wear short sleeves or push my long sleeves up over my elbows because I would be working with the money. The hat I couldn't wear simply because it looked "unprofessional". I could understand that. Until I started looking around. Yeah. Their uniforms are pitiful! They are black pants and navy polo style shirts, or t-shirts with the Eastern-Shawnee emblam on them. My manager wears these huge t-shirts that go down near her knees and warm up pants. That's all I've ever seen her wear. My assistant manager wears same huge t-shirts with sweats. I'm talking gray sweats, like Rocky wore jogging up those stairs! They are the epitome of tacky. Or, should I say "unprofessional"? I'm going to start wearing my hats. Fart on them. I look nicer than any of them do on any given day.
But, oh, well. I'm solo now, so I don't have to even think about the rest of the crew. It's like being my own boss. I like it. I like it a lot.

Mike and I went on a bike ride yesterday. It was so nice. It was about 75 degrees out on February 4th. How bizare, but nice just the same. Today it's raining cats and dogs and the temp is around 40. Glad we seized the day.


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