Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mean People Suck

I got a call several hours ago and I can still feel the slimy residue. Greed is an ugly, ugly thing. If you are greedy, STOP IT RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!! People, stop and take a good look at yourself. Look inside and examine your motives. Do you feel like you are entitled to something all the time because you are a certain race, nationality, or sex? If you feel this way, then greed is your motive. I'm Indian, but I don't feel entitled to anything. I'm also an American, and that still doesn't make me feel entitled to anything. If, by some chance, something is given to me that I didn't earn, I am grateful. I say thank you. I express my appreciation. If I find that I'm getting something I didn't earn and it is late in getting to me, I wait patiently.

To the lady from Illinois who cussed me up one side and down the other (when she couldn't get in touch with the Chief she used me in his stead, how's that for irony? Since my Dad is the Chief) I hope you get what is coming to you. No judgement from me, I don't really know what is coming to you. I only hope you get it. I know I prayed for you. Not as much as I prayed for myself, I must confess. Praying that I wouldn't cry, praying that I could take it. Grateful that I could do something small for my Dad, like take this so he didn't have to.


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