Monday, July 30, 2007

Heavenly Days!

Praise The God! I passed my Nutrition For Children class with a 93%. That means I've still got my 4.0! I'm so excited. That class was so hard for me. I don't know why. It took me forever to figure some things out. Several tries before I realized what it was she was asking for. At the end of the class, I had to take a survey about the class. I put on there that I was not impressed and because of that class, it was "highly likely" that I would NEVER take another on line class. I won't say I won't ever do it again, but I'll certainly think twice and ask around for second opinions before I do.


Shael is gone again this week. Back to her Grandma's house. She's going to be helping Mike's Mom and her church with their VBS. This will be the first year that she won't be participating as a "student" in the VBS but as a "teacher/assistant". I think she's going to have a good time.


Mike was gone for a three day weekend. He left Friday morning at 8:00 in the morning and he got home yesterday afternoon around 2:00. He went to another bike rally in Eufala. He said that it was different than any other because it was at a State park and there were police patroling the area, making sure there weren't any naked people. Any woman they saw flashing their boobs, they gave a warning ticket to. And if they saw them again, they got hauled off to jail and a record sex offender. *Ouch* That seems kind of harsh to me. Especially for a bike rally when it's all about babes, beer, and bar-b-que. I had my back to Mike when he was telling me this (trying to wash off the ground in dirt on his WHITE shirt he wore down there, even though I told him it was a bad idea) and I had to smile and whisper a thanks to God for answering my prayers by keeping my husband protected on this trip.


So, today, it was back to the grindstone. For him, anyway. Shael took off last night, he left this morning, and I went back to bed because I didn't have anything I needed to get up for. Yes, lazy bones Stacie didn't roll out of bed until 9:37 this morning. It felt wonderful. No responsibilities, except for the usual. Clean house, do laundry. But hey, that's no biggie. Well, it is, actually, but I'm not going to let it be. HA!


Saturday night, it rained cats and dogs at our house. Shael and I went outside and played in it for a while. When we came back in, we were both totally soaked. Shael looked at me and grimaced. It seems I had on a white t-shirt with no bra. About 30 minutes after we came in the house, I stepped in water in the doorway of my bedroom. I thought Shael had dripped water there from her body, I’d stripped my clothes off at the back door. I had her get a towel and sop it up and she did then left the towel there when she was done. Typical, but I didn’t get mad. Well, the next morning, I realized that the towel was soaking wet, the floor was even wetter than it had been the night before and it was not from Shael or myself dripping water. Then Mike got home and I told him about it and he didn’t do anything about it for several hours. I guess he didn’t take my word about how wet the carpet was. When he finally did check it out, it had soaked a bigger spot in our doorway, plus it had seeped into our walk in closet, where there’s lots of stuff that can be ruined, including many, many guns. Rifles and shotguns, and so on and so forth. He took everything out of that corner of the closet and soaked it up with towels then sat a fan in the door of the closet pointed at the wet spot to help it dry. Then he went to work on the problem instead of cleaning up the symptom. It was our air conditioner. It’s in a little closet that sits between our bedroom entryway and our walk in closet. Instead of draining out the little pipe, it was draining right onto the floor, going under two walls in two directions. Lovely. Someday, I believe, this whole house is going to be needing an overhaul with new sheet rock through each room. My bathroom is first on the list to be done. Can you say mold? Not good, I know. I’m constantly having to spray bleach on my bathroom walls to knock it down for a while. But, it always comes back. Now, I’m thinking that that problem might start in the a/c closet. We’ll see.
Well, my job that I got still hasn’t started. I got a call from her Friday and she said she’s going to start needing me from 2:30 to 5:30 every day real soon. She’d better not wait until school starts to say she needs me those hours, because then I might very well be unavailable. I’ve made the decision to look in Miami for work once I get my school schedule. I’ll be there anyway for school, I might as well work there, too.
So, what am I waiting for? Money. What else? I went to the tribal office the other day to find out about some financial aid. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get it for my other semesters because I was only going part time, but in the fall I’ll be going full time and I knew I could get financial aid from them. I wasn’t sure how much, though, until my niece, Emily, told me how much she got. Yippee, I hope I get as much as she did. For her, though, it wasn’t enough to pay for a whole lot, since she’s going to OSU. For me, that amount will go much farther. But, I can’t enroll until I pay for the bill I ran up from the summer semester. The lady at the office told me to go to claims and they would help me. After that, then I can enroll, and after that, then I can turn in my paper work for the scholarship. But, I must hurry! Time is a ticking. So, really, those are my only plans for the whole day. Go to the claims office, which is right down the road from here. It is ironically in my old room at the tribe’s day care. Well, the former day care. It’s hard for me to go in there and see it with office desks and chairs in it and paper work sat up on the old changing table. What a shame. I enjoyed working there, it was a great place to work. Maybe some day, when we have a different chief, the tribe will try again with a day care. Maybe by then, I’ll have my degree and I can work there for more money! LOL. Time will tell.
I should go, I’ve been hearing thunder for about 20 minutes now. It would suck to lose this.


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