Monday, August 20, 2007

I Made It

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.
I made it through my first class in College Algebra. This class is going to take lots of effort on my part. It's a satellite course. It seems weird, so I hope it works out for me. The teacher seems nice enough and willing enough to help everyone. He doesn't seem like some teachers who think they are above others and if you don't understand, tough cookies. He seems genuine. And he's got some sort of an accent. Can't quite figure that one out yet. I think it's British, but it sounds as if he's been in the States a long time because the accent has worn down quite a bit. He's understandable, at least! One time, though, he did use "English English" like Austin Powers and his Dad. But, he was only teasing and everyone kind of did the "should I laugh or is he serious?" kind of chuckle.
Please, if you have ever uttered a word in prayer, pray for me this semester. It looks like I've got quite a bit on my plate for the next few months. Between this class and my Science class. Pray Pray Pray! I'm going to be.


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