Thursday, September 20, 2007

Test Day

I've had two tests today. Hmmm.... me thinks me smells a conspiracy.
That means no homework for the weekend! YAY! Oh, unless you count the other FOUR classes I'm stuck with. *sigh*
Man, I totally don't have anything to talk about. Can it be true? So, how about a trip through memory lane while I describe my very first grown up kiss by a guy named Brian. While it wasn't in the back seat of Mason's Mom's Mercerize, it was still memorable. It was on a bench at Sycamore Valley Recreation Area (or SVRA to us local yokels) when the sun was sinking behind the big hill and Van Halen's album, 1984, was blasting in the background. To this day I have a fondness for that album. Panama, Jump, all those good ones. Golden oldies these days, but hey, I still like them.
I wanted to pucker my lips, because frankly, I was ignorant in the art of kissing, and silly me, that's how I thought it was done. Oh, heck no, Brian was quick to show me. Now that I think back on it, I'm really surprised he kept his hands to himself the whole time we were sucking face. He really wasn't a gentleman. Must've been our age. And his ignorance, too. Thank goodness for ignorance sometimes.
If I have described this all before (and somehow I have this sneaking suspicion that I have) please forgive me. But, I'm not about to describe the time I lost my virginity. That's a little too personal, and what if my Mom ever stumbled across this? I'd be mortified!
Okay, that killed a few minutes. Now I need to go on in to algebra and face the giant. Take that test and ace it. Expect to win, Stacie. That's my new motto. I don't know what my old one was, but, I like this new one. I see it on this white truck every morning at the school. It inspires me every time I see it.
Expect To Win


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