Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What A Pain

If I have learned anything from Mikey, it's to work through pain. You know how you hear about husbands who are such big babies and can't do anything if they have a little boo boo or a small ache or pain? Not my husband. He can (and has) work in just about anything. Pain or no pain. The only exception being his shoulder and it turned out that he had to have surgery to repair and replace the muscle that had torn away from the bone. OUCH. He was not physically able to move his arm.
So, for me to want to skip two classes because I have a head ache, well, I can't bring myself to do it. As much as I'd like to, because that evening class is such a bore, I will sit there and suffer until 9:00 tonight. I still have an hour before my next class starts.
There's thunder and lightening out today. I kind of like it, because it seems like such a summer time thing, but I kind of don't because I realize it's a fall time thing. I just don't care much for fall. I don't like to see the trees become bare again, even though the process is beautiful. I don't like colder temps, even though it makes it easier on the electric bill. It always seems that each year when I go swimming for the last time, I don't realize it at the time that it's the last time I'll be going until next summer. I try to enjoy each time like it's my last, but some how, I always think if I'd've known it was going to be my last time, I might've enjoyed it just a little bit more.
Shael didn't have school on Friday last week so I spent the day trying to entertain her. She had her cousin over to spend the night and I ended up taking them to a Joplin theater to watch Sydney White. A movie I'd never even heard of, and wasn't playing in Grove where it's closer and cheaper. So, off to Joplin I took them. I dropped them off at the theater and went on a little shopping spree. More like a "window" shopping spree. I hardly bought anything that wasn't a necessity, like toilet paper or fabric softener. I suppose fabric softener isn't completely necessary, but it makes life a whole lot better with it.
When we got home that night, I fixed supper for the whole gang then Mike and I left the girls at the house and we went for a bike ride. It was perfect weather, even if I did have to put my hoodie on on the way home. Just like the swimming, every time I take a night ride, or even a day ride for that matter, I think it will probably be my last one without a coat. But so far, each time I go out, I haven't needed that big bulky thing yet.
Saturday, Mike went out with the "boys" and was gone all day. I mean, like from 9:30 in the morning until 1:30 at night. I took the girls with me to the Pelican Fest parade in Grove. It was at 10:00 in the morning and was over by 10:40. After that, we headed on out to the actual Pelican Festival. It took us a whole 10 minutes to look through all the booths and then we were at a loss as to what to do until 1:00 when the main attraction started. The main attraction being the Flying Cobras drill team out of Kansas City, MO. They were in the parade, also, and they were so good, Shael couldn't wait to watch them at 1:00.
You know me, the queen of wasting time, I found something to do until 1:00. We went to the "chicken swap". It's a flea market that has an actual chicken swap, people can swap their chickens or just put them up for sale for any person who wants or needs live chickens. They also have ducks, geese, rabbits and sometimes a turkey or two. Lots of people have house plants for sale, too. You can usually find somebody trying to sale their puppies, kittens, dogs or cats.
This Saturday we found three Chinese Pugs for sale. You know, like the dog on Men In Black. Shael fell in love and wanted one so bad. I have to admit they were cute as could be. When I asked (only out of curiosity) how much she was asking for them she said "Two fifty, but I'll take two for the male". You and I know "two-fifty" means $250.00 and "two" means two hundred smackeroos. But, to Shael, that meant $2.50 and $2.00. Her face lit up and she said "Mama!" Before she could say anything else I set her straight. Yes, I had a five dollar bill in my purse, but no, that woman would laugh us out of the place if I offered it to her for both dogs. Poor Shael! She pouted over that for quite a while, until we went off back to the Pelican Fest.
And found six blue heeler pups for sale. I asked the old man how much and he went in to this big story about how they weren't even his, but his great-niece's (and aren't they all great?) and she was needing some money out of them, yadda yadda yadda. Finally I asked, Okay, so how much? And he goes "Weeeeeeellllll, I neeeeeeed $300 a piece out of them. But, I'll take ten dollars, and that's negotiable." I held back my smile and laughter and counter offered "I have five bucks in my purse and that's all I have" He looked up at me and smiled real big while he said "I'll take it".
So, now we are the proud owner of a $5.00 blue heeler pup. He's adorable. I named this one. I finally got to name a dog again! Dottie was the last dog I got to name. Sparky was already named (even if it was a dumb name. I guess a dumb name for a dumb dog) and Shael named George and Rosco. I named this pup Corbin. I love the name Corbin and have ever since I was about 18 years old and read this book called "The Mirror". I wanted to name a son Corbin, but Mike didn't like it, so we didn't have that name picked out if Shael would have been a boy. Didn't matter anyway, since she's a girl.
Shael calls the dog Corbin Blue Heeler. A little play on Corbin Blue and Blue Heeler. How clever of her! She gets word play cleverness from her Dad.


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