Friday, October 05, 2007

Bikes, Blues, and Barbeque

That's where Mike is off to this weekend. He told me he would come home in time for Mom's birthday Sunday. He told me he would go to church with us because the whole family is going to be there. So, this morning when I asked him when I should expect him home and he said Sunday night, late, I almost got mad. But, I calmly reminded him of Mom's birthday being Sunday then walked away. He went outside and I was saying out loud to myself "Don't let him get to you. You know he's just trying to get a response out of you. You can tell by the grin on his face when he said Sunday night, late. If he doesn't come home in time, then you can deal with it then. But don't borrow trouble." So, we'll see what happens.
Well, Mikey didn't go buy that $800 thing that he wanted. I was surprised, yet not really. If that makes sense. He said he really wanted it, but didn't want to shell out the money right now. He's pretty tight, ya know.
Hopefully, that won't foil my plans for getting new tires and my car fixed. He did tell me to leave the car at home Monday so he could come get it and work on it when he gets home from work. That alone shocked the peewaddings out of me.
It's just me and Shael tonight. I think we might go out and eat pizza. I'm trying to decide to do that tonight or wait until tomorrow night when her cousin is spending the night with us. Maybe I'll make Shael's favorite meal tonight then we can go out for pizza tomorrow night. Yeah, I think that's what I'll do. Glad I thought of that.
Well, I've got lots of things to do today. I'd better get on it. I came into the school thinking I had a quiz, but nope. Not until Monday. Oh, well!


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