Thursday, October 04, 2007


I think I'm having a manic moment. I seem very cheerful, even to myself, today. I dont' know what started it. First thing this morning, Shael wakes me up with a phone call asking me to bring her binder to her that she'd left at home. She'd spent the night with my Mom and had left her binder at the house. So, I got up, ate a bowl of cereal, got some clothes on and went to Wyandotte. As I was leaving, though, the back right tire of my car locked up and I skidded to a stop (which it has been doing since, oh, I GOT THE CAR!!). But when I let off the brake and applied the accelerator, it was still locked up and I was literally dragging that one tire. I backed up back into the driveway and took the trusty old Suburban to Wyandotte. I was going to drive it to school later until I remembered that Mike was using it tonight to go to a car auction. I was tempted to tell him to swap cars with me so he could get a taste of what this car does to me every day. But, I didn't. When I got home from Wyandotte, I got myself cleaned up and then drove my car to school. It locks up every time I come to a complete stop. It won't lock up until I am nearly stopped, then it drags that back tire for the last 6 inches or so until I'm stopped. More if I'm on a gravel surface.
I did call Mike and tell him all about it. He is going out of town tomorrow and won't be back until either early Sunday morning or late Saturday night, so he told me to take it to the garage and let my uncle take a look at it.
To avoid any kind of confrontation with Mikey, I waited until I had called and made arrangements to go back to work at J&J. (Yes, the place is like a bad case of herpes, you just can't get rid of it) I didn't want to tell Mike about my car troubles, then hear him go on a rant about how he "just can't get ahead!" and how "You need to get a job!" and that he "just can't do it by himself, he needs help!". Because, not only does my car need something done about that back wheel, it also needs to be aligned in a BAD way. And because it needs to be aligned in such a bad way, my tires are ruined and I need four new tires ASAP. My tires are shot. It vibrates like a....well, use your imagination (my imagination says "like a sex toy with new batteries" HA, could not resist putting that in there, and I even tried not to!).
Anyway, after telling Mike about the wheel locking up, he didn't even go into any rant! After I had it all figured out and everything! Living with the man keeps me on my toes. As I was getting ready to hang up, he said the famous "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to tell you" thing. I found out why he didn't go into a rant. He wants something. He is going to buy something. Something he doesn't really need. Something that cost $800. Something he already had his mind set on when I called and something he is going after tonight before I even get home from school. Oh, boy, I am SO getting new tires out of this deal. And my car aligned. AND I won't have to be the one to go get it done. That, in my opinion, is the husband's job. That's the way I was raised, that's my story, and I am STICKING to it!
So, here I am, almost gleefully happy, and I can't really pin point the reason why. I just finished printing up a resume for one of my classes and it looks pitifully slim. I don't know what the heck I'm going to pull out of thin air for supper tonight. I haven't done my Algebra homework he doesn't pick up until test day (next week) and I haven't finished my lab for science, which is due in a couple hours. Yet I feel nearly giddy.
Is it because I got some last night? Maybe.
Is it because I have my Power Point presentation done a week early? Maybe.
Is it because I will finally have some money of my own after next week when I start back to work Monday? Maybe.
Is it because I'm getting new tires? Probably.


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