Tuesday, October 09, 2007

How Wonderful

Oh, my, I could hardly sleep at all Saturday night. I kept thinking "What have I done?" Thinking kept me up half the night. Sunday morning dawned and I got up and cooked for our pastor appreciation day. This year was much easier for me than last. It was the second without brother Leon. We also showed my parent's anniversary slide show for my Mom's birthday. Of course, it didn't go smoothly, what in life does? My friend Vicki told me that when I finally find the secret behind making everything run smoothly that I had to tell her before anybody else. Yep, she's number one on my list, then I'll let the world know.
But, it all worked out, just not the way I had envisioned. Once again, what in life does? Something was wrong with the computer they used to show the slide show and it faded all the pictures out to where you could barely see them. In fact, some of them you couldn't see at all. That was very disappointing. The color pictures were better than the black & white. But, even some of the color pictures didn't turn out. But, oh, well. Shit happens, and it always stinks.
My overall objective was met, though, so I'm satisfied, even though it didn't take the road I thought it would or should. The church acknowledged my mother for all she's done over the years at that church, and they all celebrated with her for her birthday. I made a brownie/cake and decorated it all up with fall looking decorations and placed a big "6" and big "0" in the center. I didn't put it out with all the other desserts and it was saved for just us family. I lit the candles and the family sang for her, all surrounding her in a little group while the rest of the church ate their lunches, oblivious to the little ceremony going on right under their noses. I didn't mind. In fact, when we started singing happy birthday, most of the church crowd joined in, one at a time, until the song was over. She blew out her candles, my niece, Emily had a song she wanted to play for her Grandma on the piano, so just the family went back over to the sanctuary, and listened to her play. Then my sister gave her a birthday present, she opened it, then went back to the kitchen and started cleaning up after the entire church. I thought it somewhat anticlimactic, but, that's my Mom. She's only consistent in her inconsistencies. Kind of like someone else I know. Someone with the first name initial of Stacie.
Then yesterday I started back at J&J. It seems the bad case of herpes really hasn't changed much. I thought that since the person I had the biggest problem with no longer worked there it would be a better, much friendlier work environment. I was wrong. I have replaced Ms. X with Ms. Y. She is no better that Ms. X. She yells at the kids in a hateful way. I yell, too, but not because I'm being hateful, but to be heard over the loud roar going on in the room. I seriously want to measure the decibels in that place. I'm sure it's over the limit for ear safety. I don't yell things like "Get over here, did I tell you that you could take that car over there? No! Now, bring it back, give it to me and you are done with playing with that truck from now on!" or "HEY! I don't want to hear you talking to me that way! That is stupid and ridiculous and you are being stupid and ridiculous when you do. You can just sit over there because of that hateful attitude and nasty word!" You curious to know the nasty word? Brat. Oooohhhh, that's baaad, I know. This was actually addressed to Ms. Y's own daughter, and it made me want to ask Ms. Y, "Um, if you talk to your daughter that way, in what way do you expect her to talk back?" Kids only speak what they hear at home, I'm telling ya!
When I got home last night, Mike asked me how my day went. I looked up at him and was speechless. What could I say? But, Mike summed it all up for me in three simple words:
Same Old Shit.
I've got tons of homework that it due tonight and tomorrow, and since I will be working tomorrow, I have to get all of it done today. So, I'm off! I have 2 hours left to work. And lunch to eat. Gotta run! I hate feeling this way. If I wasn't unhappy before, than I am now.


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