Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Wind Came Sweeping Down The Plains

And the hills, and the woods. Any branch still hanging by a thread from the big ice storm should be blown out of the tree completely with this wind. It's wild out there.
I got my ring today. It's a little bit big, so I'm wearing it behind my wedding set for now. I certainly don't want to lose it. I tried taking pictures of it earlier, but my camera just wouldn't do the trick. Too much flash and it bleached the whole picture out white. No flash and it was too dark. Night time, or low light setting made it blurry. I might see if my friend, Valerie, who has an awesome camera and an awesome brand new computer take a picture of it for me and email it to me. I'm sure her camera could do it.
My ring is even prettier than I remembered it being. Mike thought it was a little pricey for it being so plain. "But, look at the size of that rock!" is all I could tell him. I love it and Mike didn't even put up a fight. That makes it even more precious to me. Him, too.
Here it is almost March and I still haven't started on my research paper. I got as far as checking out 7 books from the library on teenage sexuality. I even read through a couple of them. But I honestly don't even know where to begin with the research paper. I may need professional help sooner than I thought. The questions I have to answer fully are: 1)What is the current research on teen sexuality? 2)What are the experts saying about how to educate our teens about human sexuality? 3)Give your opinion, based on your research, about what is the best method for reducing teen pregnancy.
This should be a blast.
Have I mentioned that I took Shael to go see Bridge to Tarabithia? A word to the wise, bring a tissue. Or a whole box. My gosh, Shael and I were both bawling our eyes out. I took her last Sunday after church and by the time we walked out of there my eye make up was completely washed away. **HERE LIES SPOILERS. ANYONE NOT WANTING TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS MOVIE, DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER** It was very heart wrenching when the little girl died, but what made it even more poignant for me was the fact that this boy and this girl reminded me so much of me and my childhood friend, Jonathan. Only he was the one who taught me how to use my imagination. Just like in the story, we would actually "see" the things we talked about, or imagined. I'm sure his sweet brothers, David and Shawn and his snooty sisters, Lisa and Kelly, were sick and tired of the two of us running around like a couple of savages. The two brothers hung out with my brother and of course didn't want us hanging out with them. And the two sisters were lame, in both our opinions. Who'd want to hang out with them, anyway? But, me and Jonathan, we were inseparable. "We went together like peas and carrots". We never really hung out together in school, he had his friends and I had mine, but once school was out, we went right back to being best buds. He was always the only boy at my birthday parties. Anyone who knows this guy now, knows that he is, ah, unique, to say the least. He's something else, but he's still a friend of mine. And that movie really brought back some fond memories of the two of us making our own fort, or hiding out from the evil witch (their in an old hollowed out tree. Good times.
My parents are both finally recuperating from the flu. They both got the same thing Shael did. If it wasn't the flu, then it was a very, very hostile cold. It was bad enough, we don't want them getting that sick again. Ever.
Thinking of my parents, they finally went and got their pictures developed from their trip to Hawaii. Which they went on back in December. 2005. There were Christmas '05 pictures in that stack, too. And they were terrible! I don't think they know how to use that camera. And I don't think they've used it since. She got this tiny little camera because she thought it was so cute, not because it was easy to use or took good quality pictures. It was cute. They are neither one shutterbugs, so they basically need a point and click type of camera. Plus, they are terrible at learning new "fandangled" things like digital photography and uploading photos to their computer (which they can't seem to get to turn on without getting a porn page to appear as their home page...that is no joke. I have tried and I don't even know how to get that off there. I got it to where it would at least not show the page, just the page name at the bottom tool bar.). I told her they could borrow my digital camera, it's basically point and click and I would put their photos on a cd (back when my c drive worked) for them. But, no, Daddy wanted their own camera. So, instead of getting what I told them to get, he let Mom go pick out this "cute" camera. It's like a toy! And it takes crappy pictures. Their Hawaii pics actually didn't turn out too bad, but the Christmas pics were terrible. Most of the Hawaii pics were taken outside, the ones taken inside look crappy like the Christmas pics. I haven't figured out what they did wrong. Must've had it set on night time, or something. If I ever make it to Hawaii, I promise my pictures will turn out better than that. And I will take pictures of more interesting things than the guns on a ship. The same ship, different guns. Or maybe it was the same guns, different angle. Who knows, I just know they were boring. As I was flipping through the pictures Mom goes "Man! How many pictures did he take of those stupid guns, anyway?" My thoughts exactly.
Well, I think I hear my grumpy bear waking up in the living room. Yep, I just heard the erruptious fartus coming from in there.


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

I took the kids to see Bridge to Terabithia Saturday after gymnastics and yeah, kleenexes would've been helpful.Even Sam was bawling! Kady was almost inconsolable and frankly, I would've been, too, had I not been trying to hold it together for the kids. If I'd have been at home, I'd have been sobbing like I still do every time I watch Steel Magnolias, lol!

I told Abby I'd take her to see it if she read the book, but she's taking awhile to read it and I was afraid it'd be off at the theatre before she finished the book. But now she says she doesn't want to read it now that she knows Leslie dies! Poor thing. She was crushed.

6:22 AM  

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