Yet Another Pic
Paydays are always the best days, aren't they? Can you say "Groceries"?
Oh, and Thank You Jesus For The Rain! I was beginning to fear another dust bowl.
Last night at church, a lady shared on how sometimes the most effective prayer can be just the plain and simple "Lord, Help!" Today I made some cards for some special people in my life who are going through a hard time right now. I included these scriptures and thought I might share them with you, too. They are from the New King James version.
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have been selected to serve as a Petit juror in ________ COUNTY. YOU ARE THEREFORE COMMANDED AND SUMMONED to appear personally before the District Court of _________ County.
Well, we made it to the library last night to pick up a copy of Jane Eyre for Shael. When she asked my Dad if he had a copy he said "What's that?". Okay, my educated Dad had never heard of Jane Eyre? What is up with that? I was talking on the phone with my Mom and she, of course didn't know what it was, either. She goes "Jane Eyre? Isn't that the airplane lady?" No, Mom, that's Amelia Eirhart. Jeez, where did I come from, anyway?
Mike is gone again to the turkey woods of southern Oklahoma. He's hoping to get that turkey this time. Yay. He left right after work today and won't be back until Sunday night. Just him and my Dad this time.
I've not been in a very talkative mood lately, have you noticed? Maybe I'm scared that I'll make a long draft that won't publish and I'll feel that sinking feeling again of an hour just wasted. Maybe I'm just worn out.
Has anyone seen that Hanes commercial with the pro dodge ball players? One word will suffice and that word is Wowza.
I spent an hour, an HOUR people, on a post because I actually had something to say this time and Blogger messed up and LOST MY POST. My whole entire thing is gone.
Well, maybe just the chief. Because he is full of you know what. The chicken variety. I came home from the BC meeting so mad I had to literally pray all the way home. My gosh! Grrrr...
I would like to amend my list of movies I could watch over and over. Reality Bites has got to be #1. Numero uno, frijoles. Yes, I just called you all a bunch of beans. Dirty Dancing ranks up there somewhere. My lucky night tonight! Dirty Dancing on WE then right after Reality Bites. TWICE! Reality Bites two times in a row. That way I can watch the parts I missed the first time tonight when I was making something to eat for me and Shael and when my sister in law called and talked for a while. How dare Shael need to eat and my sister in law call while I'm watching a movie I've seen 3 or 4 times? The nerve! I'M KIDDING, frijoles. Sonya, you can call any time.
I have been completely self absorbed this week. I've not even checked another blog all week long. I've posted on mine every day, I have checked my email for any comments. I forgot to buy dress shoes for my daughter. Where has my head been? Up my own butt, apparently.